Wide baffle speakers are better than narrow

I'm just putting out some facts here so no one gets further misguided.

Wide baffle speakers sound much better, more natural and bring the acoustics of the recording venue with them.

Narrow baffle speakers are not as good without significant room treatment.

I'm glad no one here disagrees.
In 1985 I had these wide baffle boxes into the Technics "rack" setup. 

Replace the passive radiators, good as new.

 Got rid of mine last year,which were mothballed for some 30 years.
Attached  them with zip cord, fabulous faux fi!

I hooked them up before letting them go, they surprisingly  performed pretty good with my current tubed rig. 

Made in Canoga Park, Ca. Weighed 60-70lbs. Made the so-so rack system ROCK.  Especially with those still new CD's. Rarely used the plasticky linear table. 

Pre Sonus Faber Elipsa/Stradavari- poor man style.

"I’m thinking of every thing from the wide-baffle Arnie Nudell Infinity and Genesis to the Sonus Faber Stradivari here."

Even Arnie learned as he gained experience. Look at the baffle for the mid/high panels of the IRS Betas. Also look at the work of Siegfried Linkwitz.
Super linear constructive and destructive interference amplitude averaging machine.
super terrible time and phase deconstruction machine.
also the flat baffle is a flat horn aka the room up close, writ large. The big negative curved Infinity baffle is a special case and a special speaker and a bearcat to integrate with the room, the bass towers - could be maddening, ask me how I know.... we sold everything but IRS

In my jbl bibles it shows how to construct and brace 4x8 sheets of plywood beside the speakers for behind screen. I would imagine it has to do some with efficiency . And no in wall speakers  arent a go to. Unless you like the sound of plastic and drywall with zero placement adjustability.