Need tips to better my sound

I’m not computer savvy and enjoy the convenience of streaming.
Right now my router goes to my smart TV by ethernet cable. I stream Spotify app on TV through an optical cable to my dac (old parasound zdac) to yamaha integrated(a-s500) to Revel tower speakers.
Would the best Improvement be to get a dedicated streamer such as a blue sound? I heard blue sound doesn’t work with Spotify but maybe I could get Tidal? I have music stored on an external hard drive, but my computer is slow, old and crappy. I enjoy streaming and seeing my music choices on my TV screen. Do I need a computer to utilize a dedicated streamer? I don’t know how to go about improving this budget (ghetto) set up that I’ve got. The only brick-and-mortar store around me either wants to sell me tons of crap  I can’t afford, or Best Buy tells me "sonos".
suggestions? directions? thanks.
Radio Paradise has a CD quality FLAC stream available. Try that to get a feel for how Spotify compares to CD resolution and if that is something that matters for you.

As many of us suggested above, buy the Blusound Node 2i which comes with at least 15-30 days return policy from quite a few online retailers. Once you have node 2i in-house, do an A/B comparison with Node 2i internal DAC vs. ZDac. Also sign up for free trial with Tidal to compare SQ with Spotify. Many finds Spotify SQ acceptable but without a doubt Tidal and Qobuz offers much better streaming sound quality.

In the end, Trust your ears and make an informed decision.
First let’s clearly call out the fuse recommendation as totally baseless other than that there are some obsessed with fuses here for whatever reason.

Aw, geez, another person who’s all thumbs. 👍