"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"

OK, is there such a thing as "too good to be true"?  They're definitely gorgeously beautifully looking and certainly at least as good looking as any "high-end" speakers!  But look at the price!  Only $374.00!!!  Can you have the cake and eat it too!  There has to be a catch!  Is there a devil lurking somewhere here!  I mean a high-end ScanSpeak woofer is already at least $370.00 in cost.  And that does not take into account a tweeter, and xover inductors, capacitors ... and so on.  And what do you tell people who paid $200K for a Wilson?

On the other hands, I saw a pair of YG Acoustics Hailey 1.2 for 25K. used. That's a lot for two woofers and a tweeter.  

More expensive things are always better...that's just how it is. It's important that through posting things one notes the expensive things they use, and how sophisticated and smart one is due to that sort of thing because hey...where else are you going to get away with that? I can hear a pin drop from 372 yards away...I have a 35 car garage filled with Ferraris I had repainted with a slightly fruitier red...that's right...I could go on...

So many things are changing in audio. One of the changes is the new line up of Low Mass amps that are producing sound quality that far surpasses the High Mass products. These amps cost as little as $50.00. Sounds absurd till you start exploring Low Mass, but this is how technology works.


here's another easy 1st move from junk to pretty decent sound, $600. pair


like the others, add self powered subs if bass hungry.

some Martin Logans, $1,400. pair.


good name brands have to compete, they need to have low priced offerings.