"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"

OK, is there such a thing as "too good to be true"?  They're definitely gorgeously beautifully looking and certainly at least as good looking as any "high-end" speakers!  But look at the price!  Only $374.00!!!  Can you have the cake and eat it too!  There has to be a catch!  Is there a devil lurking somewhere here!  I mean a high-end ScanSpeak woofer is already at least $370.00 in cost.  And that does not take into account a tweeter, and xover inductors, capacitors ... and so on.  And what do you tell people who paid $200K for a Wilson?


Showing 6 responses by andy2

Maybe we shouldn't be surprise.  Think of the speakers in the OP post like a Toyota Camry - perfectly fine at around 30K.  Then there are the supercars (or super cars) that are around 300K.  I don't think the supercars are 10X better than the Toyotoa Camry, but then if I were able to afford the Ferrari, the reason why I paid 300K for the Ferrari because I thought it's probably 100X better than the Camry.

I dont see any scanspeak woofers there
At least what you said is not science fiction :-)

I used "ScanSpeak" as a matter of comparison, that is a decent ScanSpeak woofer is already 370 bucks.  

For example, there are five drivers in that speaker above.  375/5 = 75
But of course you have to take into account the cabinet cost, paint, marketting ...

Ugh. It's a Paradigm.

It seems like you're saying Paradigm are all "craps"?  Can that be a fair assessment?  To label something like that to the entire company?

On the other hands, I saw a pair of YG Acoustics Hailey 1.2 for 25K. used. That's a lot for two woofers and a tweeter.  

It's interesting how these multi-drivers speakers can be sold for so cheaply.  My guess is two things: very inexpensive drivers and the cabinets are probably not up to Thiel or some of the more high-end brands.  And of course, made in China helps.  
If Bob stole money from Joe to pay for a 200K of speakers, then it might be a problem.  But if Bob honestly made the money himself, then by all means.  In fact, I want as many people to purchase $200K speakers as many as possible.