Anthem STR or Lyngdorf TDAI 2170?

I recently moved house and went from a listening space that was pretty generous to my current setup (Cronus Magnum II + B&W 805D3s) to one where the soundstage sounds really flat and underwhelming. Because we watch a lot of movies, I’ve also been running an integrated (Rotel 1592) and using a splitter to switch between that and the Cronus depending on the source (music or movies).

It’s a lot of equipment and wires for a small space and, given how lackluster the sound is, I want to consolidate everything by leveling up to an integrated with room correction.

I’m stuck between an Anthem STR or a Lyngdorf TDAI 2170 (or 3400 if it’s leaps and bounds better than both).

Reviews and comments on both are equally impressive. Has anyone sampled both and have a POV on which I should go with?
I believe Lyngdorf room correction only works up till 500 Hz. This may not be true for the 3400. With ARC you can choose yourself up to 20 Khz. Fine for "hot" speakers or if you don’t want the warm sounding bump lots of speakers have in the region 400 - 1500 Hz. Also other adjustments are at your disposal. Also trust the ARC measurements more. Lyngdorf "Normal" mode is not flat. Have had both for a long time and don’t use my Lyngdorfs since I started with ARC. Buy a cheap MartinLogan Unison and try it between your source and DAC. For specific frequency adjustments I use an Antimode 2.0, Would want a Trinnov...
@gosta What you say does not match what I heard from a dealer regarding ARC and Room Perfect. However, I think I your observations are likely to have a better chance of being more accurate. Thanks for the feedback.
@mike_in_nc the STR Separates (Pre Amp and Amp) will offer a better sounding solution compared to the STR Integrated.  I have both set ups.  The Separates are in my main systems with a pair of Paradigm Persona 9h Speakers and an Innuos Zenith MKIII.  The STR Integrated is in my Den with a pair of Paradigm Persona B’s and an Innuos Zen MKIII.  I have not performed an A/B test with the Separates and Integrated.  That said, the DAC and Phono Stage in the STR Pre is better compared to the Integrated.  The STR Amp offers more power than the Integrated.  Whereas the Integrated presents a very nice solution (and I personally really like it), if the budget permits you would be better off with the Separates.  Good news is that there is not a bad option between either solution.  
Regarding the Lyngdorf 3400, an audio friend who goes through a lot of gear had one. He has rotated through a TacT 2.2X, Tact 2.2XP, several DSPeaker units including the latest X4, and numerous equalizers. His speakers at present are, I think, the Harbeth M40.1.

This fellow bought the Lyngdorf 3400 and later sold it, complaining that its corrections gave an unwanted emphasis in the 4 kHz range, and there was no way to override that. I cannot confirm the anomaly from first-hand knowledge; still, the person in question has good ears, as well as measurement mics and software.

I mention this not to denigrate the Lyngdorf, but so that anyone auditioning it can keep an ear open and see if this perceived issue comes up. It was not mentioned in any reviews I've seen, but as I've already said, I often find reviews of DSP units superficial and misleading.