I give up ..acoustic treatment for room with vinyl plank flooring

Ok so I have a small dog that for the life of me cannot stop from pissing on my area rug in my listening room. How would you treat a room and leave the floors bare? the room is 13x13 and has only 5 feet of back wall where I sit in the center the rest is open on each side into another room .. floor to ceiling is 7 feet 6 inches ..treat ceiling above the speakers at first reflection? treat wall behind my seat? 

Thanks Tim
i have a rough layout but have no idea how to post images here 
While I do have an area rug on the floor in my new listening room, I also have panels on the walls.  In the past I also had to make sure the curtains were closed for the best sound. 😁

All the best.

Primacoustic room treatment. Calculate surface area of walls. Use 2" Broadway panels equal to 15% of of surface area of side walls for a lively room result. Use 25% for a well dampened room. 20% will give you a middle result. You can ceiling mount or wall mount with the right hardware options. The biggest factor is having enough dampening material/panels. However, for that last few percent of performance use the live wall, dead wall approach with the speakers on the dead wall... For the live wall you can use diffusers or an array of 1" thick 12"x12" scatter blocks. Check out the London room kits for examples. There are fabric options or a Paintable/printable panel option. Check out www.primacoustic.com
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+1 for Primacoustic panels. I treated all four walls and the ceiling in a dedicated listening room. Biggest improvement in SQ. Much bigger than any gear change. Place at all first reflection points, plus additional coverage on front wall (the wall behind the speakers) and the back wall (the wall behind you). Ordered mine from Sweetwater sound. No affiliation, just a happy camper.