Has anyone finally decided to sell their Turntable and Vinyl collection?

It Maybe a little strange to ask this question here since clearly this is a forum for folks still loving and using Vinyl.
So I am looking for some feedback from folks that play very little of their LPs these days and have decided to sell all of it (or already have). I have thought about it for years seems like a hassle trying to sell your TT and or your record collection, that is mainly why mine stays put (not because I use it).

Anyway if you have sold - (Not if you’re keeping it forever)

Have you regretted it?
Or is to nice to reduce the clutter and happily move on?

Some people would never sell their analog rig and collection, I get that.

I just pulled out my old copy of Blood on the Tracks and man did it sound crummy. Just dull and lifeless and muddy. Could be the LP itself I guess. So bad that I tossed it in the cull bin.

It makes me wonder - what Dylan LPs sound the best? Putting aside artistic value, how do they rank to audiophiles?

I’ll say that Shot of Love is a great sounding record in my system. gutsy but clear and you really hear the room. I love playing it. Also Nashville Skyline sounded good last time I heard it but that was a long time and many upgrades ago.
I just sold my TT and all related accessories last night. I had the Hanss T60 which weighed 150lbs so the guy drove 8 hours 1 way to pick it up. Very nice tt and very nice sounding setup. I just never used it. I have the new $150 Led Zeppelin boxed set and played 2 of the 4 albums 1 time. Maybe down the road I’ll regret it but not right now. I am going to sell my album collection of around 400 albums if anybody is interested.
Dont regret selling TT but do regret selling LPs.  Now recovered and enjoying my SL1210.  Just found an Allnic 1500 phono: liquid gold.
sold everything except for a couple of albums, Joni Mitchell "Court and Spark' Nautilus, and "Sgt. Pepper" MoFi pressings.  everything on HD and backed up.  DAC's after 2013 are finally very good with top end electronics.
Hi Doug,
I sold my analog setup about 4 months ago.  While it was a difficult decision, looking back I have no regrets.  I was fortunate in that one person bought the whole set-up, turntable, arm, cartridges, and phono-preamp which made it nice.  (he got a terrific deal I might add !)  I still have my vinyl, which is the next step to sell.  My reasoning for selling is that over the past year or so, I have listened to vinyl less and less, and even though I will be retiring soon, I'm just not into it as much any more.  The real clincher for this decision was my purchase of a Innuos ZENith music-server in March.  I had been using a lap-top with JRiver software for a few years and the music was really satisfying and extremely convenient.  However, not quite enough for me to stop using some vinyl.  The ZENith music-server changed all of that.  The quality of the music from the server took a huge step up in quality, so much so that after about 2-months of listening to my favorite music, I couldn't see keeping my analog set-up.  The convenience, flexibility, and now very high quality of the music was definitely convincing enough for me to decide to sell.  Now I'm listening a lot more than I was even with the analog set-up and JRiver music-server combined, and enjoying it much more !  
Your decision to eliminate analog from your sound-system is a personal one and not to be taken lightly.  In my opinion, if you have a terrific digital source, and all the music you like can be found with it and the music services (I use Qobuz), then that would make your decision easier.  
Good luck, Doug...  John