Horn Speaker Recommendations

I am looking for your feedback on what Horn speakers I should consider in the $15k-$40k price range.  Please describe the rationale for your recommendations.  
I have heard many excellent horn systems in my years, and truly appreciate the full range horns ( into the sub region ) the most. Phusis knows of what he speaks. Stringreen, I think I should jump on a Vandersteen thread, and mention : of all of the Vandersteens I have owned, sold, and set up for clients, over the years, I managed to get them to sound stage, etc, very well, but they were all very limited in the dynamics department, and other characteristics as well. It has been my experience, that a good horn system, set up properly, can create a wonderful image, sound stage, etc., creating a very believable performance, with all genres of music. Pianissimo and Fortissimo. Musical words used to describe dynamics. Music contains dynamics. Horns do this best. Other words of interest and importance, for excellent music reproduction, besides Dynamics : Tone; Timbre; Pitch; Rhythm; Tempo; Beat & Meter; Harmony; Melody; Texture; Coherence, and I am sure I am leaving things out. Sound staging and imaging is a by product of all of this, and if it is on the recording, it will come through in spades. An accurate, realistic system, should do it ALL. Enjoy ! MrD.
Well said Mr Decibel!  You put some of my thoughts into words better than I could have done.

You just can’t characterize horn systems as all sounding this way or that, positive or negative.  They are all different.  Just like you can’t say all sealed box woofers have a particular sound, or all electrostats, or all ribbon drivers.

For my money, the very best horn systems do everything right including soundstaging and imaging.  
The Avantdarde Duo Mezzo is a reach, but what superlative sound at AXPNOA! If I were after a premier horn, that is one I would certainly have on my short list. 
Oh, my...a large room?

Here is wild, crazy suggestion that many will not like, but exploring options IN YOUR ROOM is the best path to long-term music enjoyment:

Place the horn speakers you like best in the room with your gear and listen to your fav songs.

Remove them and replace them will Magneplanars in the same price range.


Good luck!

