What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
I believe the speakers have influenced my opinion but the best I’ve heard (so far) are 
1.  Burmester. Precision & detail 
2.  Soulution. Musical with detail. 
3.  T + A.  Musical with depth and precision. Prob my favorite of the 3. 

I guess momma really doesn't need a new car. Haha
Spread Spectrum Technologies Son of Ampzilla 2000 and PassLabs XA60.5.

I own both!
Memory Lane Once Again

1967, my new Fisher 200T Transistor Receiver, It was "Transistors to the Rescue" then. I was 18 and in college.

I went from a suitcase portable: flip down turntable with detaching speakers I took from my brother to my first decent system with wedding present money.

Point is, I could NEVER experience such a leap up in sound quality as that so it is the transistor amp I remember most. 

I just sold my transistor McIntosh MC2250, and ordered a Cayin A88T tube integrated, it is on the way. Sold my transistor C28 Preamp, zeroing in on a tube preamp now.

IF you can find efficient speakers you love, it opens up the world of lower power amps, transistor or tubes.
1) EKSC Eagle 11 Prime Monoblocks-the best amplifier from Electron Kinetics-John Iverson and later updated by Russell Sherwood.  Difficult to come by as their owners never seem to give them up and not expensive.
2) A Pair of BEL (Brown Electronic Labs) 1001 Mk. V's in mono mode.   As a stereo amplifier it is very good but as monoblocks they are sensational.  My brother has a pair.  Richard Brown departed way to soon.
3) Bedini 25/25