Better sound with ethernet cable?

I'm presently streaming music WIRELESS from my WiFi router to my Yamaha receiver.  I was told I would get better sound if I ran an ethernet cable. It's a fairly long run, maybe 50 feet total by the time I fish down through the basement and back up.  Before I drill holes and fish through the basement, I may just run it across my living room and see if it improves the sound.  Also, in my manual there are two different instruction for hooking up to wired or wireless. Can I just plug in the cable now or will I have to re-connect through the wired instructions?  Thanks for any input.  Doug
I ran a Cat 6 ethernet cable from router to stereo and the music does sound a little better.  I'm presently streaming Spotify and it sounds very good but I understand that Tidal & Quobus sound better so I will probably sign up for that.  Thanks for all the good advice.   Doug
Only use wireless if you can't use hardwire. Mesh networks are fine but if you use mesh with wireless from satellite to satellite, you are still using wireless and you have all the issues with it. To get the higher speeds with a mesh network, you might need a lot of satellites. Whereas, you can setup a 1Gb network with a switch and some cat 5e or better cable. My last leg going to my dad is a cat7 with the better terminations.
Based on internet stories, and even im an IT guy and familiar how LAN vs Wifi works from byte stream / TCP point of view, I decided to try with one decent Audioquest LAN cable instead of wifi, and one cheap LAN cable.  
No difference at all.  
But, its so hard to do proper A/B testing and quickly switch between connections (you have to unplug the cable, turn on wifi, wait for connection), who can even reliably say this sounds better or there's no difference at all? 
So I didn't notice any difference but maybe there's is some really small change that I can't notice.
If there's some EM/radio noise coming into my PC (have dedicated daphile based passive PC for playing) from Wifi or LAN that then leaks into the DAC and theoretically can mess up the clock and cause jitter, I don't hear that either. So I just use LAN because its more reliable and faster.  

350 Mb modem downloads bandwidth tested with 1GB wired and 5GHz Wifi directly from the cable modem. All systems connected to Oppo UDP 205 USB DAC. I used commercial quality cabling throughout as I have found and tested pricey Audiophile brands to offer NO advantages and they often don't work.


STREAMING Sonic Progression with QoBuz Studio CD quality minimum:

1. Windows 10 14GB 256TB SSD 5Ghz Wifi 20' from Wifi broadcast Arris cable "modem" (too many drop outs) 
2.  Windows 10 PC 14GB MEMORY 256TB SSD wired with 25' Cat 5e (better than 1. sonically, very few drop outs) 
3. Dedicated MacMini 2009 with 8GB memory (2) 1TB SSD with CAT 5e - considerably better than 2, no comparison.
4. System 3 above with tested 25' Cat 7 cable - best system so far by far, nothing else even close. (However, even this occasionally has drop-outs. Probably when people are streaming video in the neighborhood. One might be able to ameliorate this if I found the port qoBuz streams to but I am too lazy - if anyone knows?) 


5. The best performance and most satisfying experience (NO DROP-OUTS) is to download and CACHE QoBuz at the highest resolution available on the Mac Mini and then play it back. I use an iPAD with a wireless interface program (forget the name) to control the Mini. QoBuz has a convenient favorites and playlist interface for the MAC. Also, some of the most interesting music, to me, is only available in hi-res downloads. No you don't have to buy them unless you want to own them. Oh, I don't have any others programs running on the MAC it's pretty much dedicated to music, I should say so for $110!)

At some point I will try to substitute Ethernet for USB as a DAC interface but I have other things to do. I think I have a pretty good sound now. I am a music lover but digital was my profession.