Help me decide on phono preamp

I have enjoyed my current setup but have decided to try a seperate phono preamp to see what improvements in sq can be had. I have two options I can purchase locally in mind based on my current budget :

Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena ($400 used)

Lehmann Black Cube SE ll ($600 used)

My current setup is a Music Hall MMF 9.1 TT with a Clearaudio Maestro V2 cartridge playing through the built in MM/MC phono preamp in my Marantz PM - 11S3 integrated amp. 

Any opinions on either of these options?  The built in preamp has excellent reviews. Will either of these alternatives make a material difference or do I need to significantly increase my budget to have a real inpact?

Well I managed to find a good deal on a gently used Chinook and picked it up this morning. I plan to try it out later this week at my beach house where I have a second system.  I will also try to compare it to both the internal phono stage in my Marantz as well as a Nova Phonomena.  I hope I will hear a meaningful improvement in SQ that justifies the price.
Hello, SJTM!  I'm wondering how your comparison worked out?  I did the same comparison last year, and it was a hands-down no-brainer - Chinook won by a mile!  Did you have the same experience?

To your question about tubes, I rolled in some Tungsram PC88 and it seemed to really wake things up.  Clearer, more "tuneful", and overall better tone.  I tried a few others, and these are my favorites, at least for now.  Rolling tubes is like picking your favorite ice cream.  It's all good!  But, sometimes you just want a touch of butter pecan.

Never ended up comparing to the Nova and not sure there is much in the way of scientific evaluation in my comparison to the built in phono stage in the Marantz. The Marantz was evaluated by reviewers ( Absolute Sound among others) as having an exceptionally good phonostage. The Chinook elevated the listening experience of my system to another level. I was so impressed that I jumped on the opportunity to buy a Chinook SE  that had a significant tube upgrade by the previous owner. This made a still more revealing enhancement to the clarity and richness of my setup. I will use the original Chinook in my main system ( although, since I am  finding lots of excuses for extended weekends at the beach houses, I suppose I should consider this my main system).

Time to put the Nova up for sale.  
BTW - also purchased an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze MC cartridge along with the Chinook SE. Not installed yet, but looking forward to this soon.