Easy to drive, outstandingly natural sound from 40-50 Hz up.....AN-E, O/96, others?

If my goal were to find natural-sounding, dynamic, and efficient speakers that can be driven with a somewhat lower-powered a (i.e., 50-watt SS) amplifier, and that work well with a variety of music, would I be looking at AN-Es, O/96s, or which others?
I am not particularly interested in using a 10-20 watt SET, but being able to use something lower-powered than the 300-watt amplifiers required for my 85dB speakers would open up a lot of other amplifier options and simplify things for me.  I have two fairly high-quality powered subs so the goal would be to fill my (moderately large) room from 40-50 Hz and up and let the subs handle the lower registers.
Any thoughts on the two speakers listed, or recommendations for others?
Living Voice speakers are what I moved to from AudioNote ANE's and I find them a better overall sound. 94db 6ohm nominal. I run them on a 8wpc 300b SET but honestly double that would be better.  

I would suggest the Spatial Audio M3 Triode Master or M4 Triode Master depending on what size room you have. I own the M4 version and they fit your description to the tee.
