Some components too old now?

I have a traditional HiFi. Some bits are really old, but still working fine and I wouldn’t have a clue about updating even if I wanted to. Just wondering how long I can expect them to last, and whether I should pro-actively seek to update before there’s a catastrophic failure.
In particular, my CD player, pre-amp and DAC date back to around 1990, so these are about 30 years old now:
Marantz CD80 / Aragon 24k (with phono stage that I use) / Aragon D2A
Too old? (from 1990???) old, them components are just babes...!!!Look at folks still using equipment built in the 1950's 1960's...

And for the most part I agree with @Elizabeth, but I know for sure that DACs got soooo much better over the past few years it is completely worth auditioning them.

I agree that the analog equipment may be fine but you might want to consider a new DAC. 

Although I hope to move up a few steps in the next year I've been very happy with the Project Pre Box S2 DAC at $400. 

If not sure about the CD player might consider the Cambridge Audio CXC, $450. 

I'd be Excited for your Old!  Depends on what your trying to accomplish with "Any NEW??"   I just Fired up all my Old.. too much to list, yet the Old Power Supplies are the BEST! -- I have a 1992 DAC from Howard Mandel who since passed - seperate power supply and compared to New DAC's and you have to spend 5K Plus to out preform that - his CD Transport too, Thiel Speakers, Maganapan's, old Kenwood reciever in wood case and so on..  MOST Important Clean, Blow Dust D irt out from Air vents on side, better yet take the top/side off and Blow out Good.
Clean all your RCA's and if they are the el cheapo's get good ones you will notice a difference.. Good Luck..
I’m still using a 1964 Sansui 1000a tube receiver with a modern dac and newer speakers. Sounds great. Just had it completed rebuilt. Should be good for another 20 yrs.. The worst thing is purchasing the 7591a power tubes which are expensive. I agree with other members and would look into a nice dac. 
It not that costly to upgrade your components.  Amps usually have large capacitors with two leads on the top.  You can just match the values and swap them out  just measure the new caps and the clamps prior to ordering them.  Nichicon you can buy at Parts Connexoin in Canada, etc.

Just saying