Vandersteen 3a vs Magnepan 3.7i

Hi I'm wondering if anyone has compared these speakers. I currently have the Maggie's but find vocal glaring or haze on many recordings even with the resistors. My listening room is 12x15. Most of my listening is rock with some jazz and classical thrown in.
@johnto I agree with @tomic601,sounds like good system matching and setup could be the culprit. Do you have any absorptive panels at the first side reflection points? the second reflection points? Do you have an absorptive rug at the first reflection off the floor? Borrow and try some if possible. 

If it's not setup and room treatment, I'd try borrowing another source and seeing how much impact that has. The Pass/Maggie combo should be great(perhaps the best available in their price range) and you shouldn't have the trouble you are describing. Cheers,
Thanks tomic601 have changed to 38" for tweeter outside and 32" on inside keeping the 13" from side wall seems to be much better focussed. I will get back to some of the problem recordings later. 
Your room is way too small for the 3.7i in my opinion.  The Vandies should serve you better, especially since you listen to rock.
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While a bigger room is better, 12' X 15' is sufficient for Maggies. Put them 5' in front of the 12' wall, and your listening chair 3' from the wall behind it. Because the speakers are to the left and right of the center line, that will put the chair 8'-9' (depending on degree of toe-in) from the speakers, plenty. Being a dipole, the speakers can be placed right up against the side walls, which will provide low frequency reinforcement, a fortuitous compensation for the inherent planar dipole front-to-back cancellation in the bottom octave or two..