New $24,000 inter-connect

I just saw a new Audiogon listing for a $24,000 inter-connect by Matthew Bond (Tara Labs). How many ya gonna order?
Clearthink... you need to think more clearly.. Or change your name to cloudythink..  

1 billion people only meant to mean there's a whole bunch of people that live here.. And more around the world..  And don't give me that cost of overhead stuff.. I own a business.. 

He's made that cable as a "side project"  If he was only making that cable he'd go BK.. Or has a teeny tiny warehouse. you so dumb

"Clearthink... you need to think more clearly.. Or change your name to cloudythink.. 1 billion people only meant to mean there’s a whole bunch of people that live here"

I am not actually obligated, compelled or required to make any change, accomodation or alteration to satisfy you and your confused, disoriented, convoluted reasoning, thinking and proclamations especially because first you categorically state, claim, and assert that what I assume is your country has 1 billion people and now you say that is not what you meant at all you meant that it has "a bunch" of people which is fine but then you state it is me that needs to think more clearly when it is you that is wrong, mistaken, and in error on a matter of simple, basic, rudimentary arithmetic and then you say "you so dumb" to me because what I wrote in truth is an embarassment to you well next time check you facts and figures, son.
whatever dude..  I used "1 billion" just like you used  "son"..  now we all know I('m not your son just like we all know there's not 1 billion in the U.S.  

in my defense... 400 million citizens plus illegal aliens = 1 billion
I disagree with the idea that if you have lots of money you should be prone to, obligated to or dumb enough to buy things that are idiotic. Granted, being ultra-rich does seem to make some people very stupid. But to pay $24,000 for an interconnect would require, in my opinion, both lots of wealth and a healthy dose of stupid too. Of course, if I felt the same way about interconnects that cost 1/10th of that it would probably offend any number of people on this forum.

Don't forget that company that made a $22K CD player and all it had was a basic Marantz drive and innards, with nothing proprietary added. They didn't last long, thankfully.