Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

shadorne sez this:

  • The nonsense continues. “Best product in 40+ years....”

  • How many superlatives have already been used on previous TC and SR products...and yet the new mat outdoes then all (until the next product promo of course)
  • Shameful what has happened to Audiogon forums ....highjacked for K-tel style blitz marketing

My actual statement was thus:
"Over the 40+ years that I’ve been in the hobby, I have never found a tweak that improves the sound so well as TC and these Omega E Mats."

Either shadorne has a reading comprehension problem, an intelligence problem, or in his quest for attention, is being totally dishonest here. Either way, shadorne’s credibility stinks. You’d think the least he could do would be to quote with accuracy.

Shadorne ... you’re credibility here is already shot. Why continue shooting yourself? YOU shadorne, are what is shameful on these threads, not the legitimate posters who want to further the hobby. For God’s sake, shadorne, read the positive reviews coming forth from those who are using these products. Try to get a clue. Read Steve Fleischer’s review on what he heard at my house yesterday ... then go from there with a more positive attitude.

Thanks ...

Thanks to those who have chimed in with their impressions and look forward to what fleschler has to say when he gets settled. I think I’m going to wait like uberwaltz and get some of the smaller versions when they’re ready to ship. 
  quick question, is the best place to put one mat at the breaker box or on a cd player or power conditioner ect?  
kedoades ...

Others may have a different opinion, but I put two Omega E Mats inside my breaker box first. Then, one each under each component with the magnetized side facing up.  The two inside the breaker box not only improved the SQ of the audio system, but improved the TV picture as well. 


The way I understand it, you put the mats inside the panel where the wiring is?  If that is the case, I question what would happen if your panel caught fire, would the insurance company balk?

Back in 1985 right after I bought my present house, I smelled something burning in the basement and there were flames coming out of the panel.  I shut the main off and was lucky.  It turned out the screw that holds one of the main wires was loose and we all know resistance=heat=fire.  I had to have an electrician replace the entire panel and some of the wiring, but I saved my house.

Are my concerns valid?