Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???

Hey all !!  So I need some help with choosing a preamp, preferably tube, that's a true balance design in and out.. For a 2.1 speaker system.. Need a sub so it'll have to have dual outputs running in parallel if that's the right term to use.. It'll have to have single ended inputs and outputs also.. I use an Oppo205 (Modwright) in the front end for everything digital coming in, movies and music.. But I do my critical listening with music so I use the modded portion of the 205 for that (balance output) and for movies/tv want to use the unmodded single ended outputs..

I have a Classe CA2200 amp and Salk bookshelf speakers and a sub (single ended input)..

I know BAT is out there.. VK31se I'm looking at and some older Audio Research but read them are unreliable.. Anything else anyone else have some experience with ? Will take your opinions seriously as that's how I chose my current equipment...   thanks

I know there's some good stuff single ended but I really want a well balance system through out with my music listening..



well don't laugh but its a Paradigm Monitor 8 .. Been meaning to upgrade it but been other things first.. Its not bad though is why I keep putting it on the back burner.. Applied the PBK to it.. I checked the specs after I read your 1st post and can't find the impedance anywhere - manual, online, Paradigm website..

BAT makes transformer coupled output with both XLR and single ended.. But after the "false" claims BAT posted on its impedance I think need to look elsewhere..

I think the MP-3 its going to be and find a sub with XLR input

If you shop around you can get a new PS Audio BHK preamp in your price range.
The Liberty B2B-2 will drive your speakers 😄  almost - Almarg the almighty always give good advice.  

Good Listening


I was going to suggest a used Atma-Sphere MP-3, as Charles did, except that I’m pretty certain it only provides a single pair of XLR outputs, and no RCA outputs, at least in its standard configuration. If you can find one that you would want to consider, though, a call or email to Ralph Karsten at Atma-Sphere would be in order, to see if he could modify it to meet your requirements.
@almarg , @oem-wheels , the Atma-Sphere MP-3 is stock with dual outputs. Older units might have single outputs (dual outputs were optional), but extra outputs can be added inexpensively.