Rogue Audio two new integrateds Great or Same old?

Rogue has recently introduced two new integrated amps. The "Sphinx" which is 100RMS and a hybrid amp with a phono stage. This sells for $1395 including a cheap looking remote. The "Pharoah" is the other and is 175RMS with phono stage, but may be all tubes Rogue is now shipping to dealers and retail is $3495. Rogue has definitely gone Egyptian!!

Has anyone heard either integrated amp?? If so, what my the Pharoah worth almost 3X more than the little brother.Seems to have few features like an I-pod input and theater bypass, etc, that jack the price at least $500. Therefore I think the price point is wrong. $2795 seems more reasonable and competitive with products like the Creek Destiny II $2795) and Krell S300i($2500) and the new Musical Fidelity IA's.... Thanks, Jimmy
Hi I'm new Harbeth c7's owner an I've been also eyeing rogue amps.  The place where I purchased the speakers has a cm 2 that I can audition and sphinx ia that is also for auditioning.  Unfortunately the combo I'd really like to check out is the medusa with the rp5.  Anyone try this combo with harbeth c7's?  The Pharaoh could also be a possibility. They also carry Cary too.  The Cary equipment looks good too. 

Try the CMII at home if you can.  I heard it with Harbeths (and B&W, Paradigm, Sonus Faber), and liked it so much I bought one.  It makes my PMC's really sing.  The Ayre AX-7 was sent to the secondary system.  Less impressed with the Sphinx; the Pharaoh has lots of power, but not the magic I think of all tube (rolling in Mullards helps).
Cronus magnum ii and Harbeth = magic 

Actually I auditioned the cronus  with my Harbeth 7es3 an I did not care for the sound.  Too mushy.   I did think the sphinx sounded better at the store than the cronus.  The cronus just didn't do the mids right imo. 

Now I'm mc452 with the c52 an it sounds amazing!   The solid state preamp made all the difference!  Talk about an immediate change in the sound. 

I think for the price you'd be better off with the Pharaoh than the cronus.  
@biscorbit, did you audition the amp with the 8ohm taps? I owned the CM2 with a pair of Harbeths C7, I felt the mids we’re very good.  The 8ohm tap sounds much better than the 4ohm tap. It made a big difference in the sound for me. Btw, I agree with you that Harbeths sound better with a SS amp. In that price range, I would also audition a Hegel for anybody interested.