Dynavector 20x2 vs Audio Technica ART-9.

For those who’ve heard / owned both, which would you say is better for a VPI Scout listening to all genres - rock, pop, jazz, electronic, metal? Looking for a balanced, neutral sound, although I don’t mind it being a touch on the warm side. Dynamic but non fatiguing, deep well defined (but not bloated) bass, and sparkly (but not hot) treble. Thanks!
FWIW, VPI used to sell a cartridge under its own brand that was a modified Dynavector.  I am currently using my second 20X2 on my VPI Scout and love it.  I compared the new cartridge to an Ortofon Bronze moving magnet.  The Ortofon was pleasant but lacking in dynamics and the drive of live music.

I've not had the fortune to hear the AT cart. but have always read good things about it.

ONE CAVEAT...I was fortunate to have a real pro mount and adjust my newest Dynavector.  Getting the set-up exactly right makes a huge difference regardless of the brand.
"Why does one ask another what one is considering as their frame of reference?"

Perhaps one would like to hear the opinions of others that have heard both carts. So would one refrain from posting snarky comments? Thanks.
I own both cartridges and bought the ART9 not quite a year ago seeking an upgrade to the DV20X2L.  I wanted something more transparent (like the Ortofon 2M Black, which I like but it has other issues) yet maintaining the Dynamics of the Dynavector.  
Pointed in the direction of the ART9 by some threads I had to see what the fuss was about.  
Unfortunately the ART9 is slightly less dynamic than the DV and is not as transparent as the 2M black.  
I kept going back and forth between the '9 and the DV.  
Ultimately I settled on the ART9 because even though it is slightly less dynamic and has less bass depth and extension than the DV, it does deliver a colorful clean high end sound that is magical at times.  You get lost in the cloud of sound that it produces.  It delivers detail and clarity that is so smooth it is hard to live without.  
The DV can sound less than smooth at times, slightly edgy but competent and never has what I would call a "high end" sound though.  
I really like the ART9 but my ideal cartridge would have the transparency of the 2M Black without the dirty edges.