Your single favorite component

Of all the pieces of your system you now own or have owned in the past, is there any one piece you could say is your absolute favorite piece of equipment? 

I don't know if I have an answer to my own question - I enjoy various pieces of equipment for different reasons. A turntable I've owned for 18 years, a 40 year old tuner, an amp I built myself, all in some way are pretty special to me. And so on! 
It's a tossup between my Audio Note Kits Kit 1 SET amp  and my Spatial Hologram M4  open baffle speakers. Together, they are just sublime. :-) 

Hands down, Esoteric K-03 SACD/DAC.  Had one and sold it, replaced with an Ayre.  After a few weeks sold the Ayre and bought another K-03.  A phenomenal player in my system.

An Atma-Sphere UV-1 tube pre. But not just any UV-1...this was the original prototype. It is hand wired point to point and signed by Ralph Karsten and marked as serial #1. Besides the great sound, the uniqueness really appeals to me.  Truly a one-of-a-kind.    Not to mention it's a tube rollers dream.  Lots of vintage 6sn7s at reasonable prices. 
WOW, that's a tough question to answer, but I recently replaced my Paradigm S8V3 speakers with Wilson Watt Puppys, and just love the difference that they have contributed to my sysem