Audience Au24se vs Au24sx cables

Just wondering if anyone has upgraded to the new Audience Au24sx from the former reference Au24se interconnects and speaker cables. Any opinions on significant sonic differences?  My understanding is that the upgrade is not retrofittable and requires new purchase. My SE's are only 8 months old and I'm trying to decide whether to invest in the upgrade.  Thanks to all.

John McDonald ( President of Audience) is a true gentleman and very honest businessman.  He produces a great product at an excellent price point.  It looks like my local dealer will be taking on the line so I am looking forward to trying out other Audience products. 

Audience is a great company and their customer service is top notch!
I have Audience cables at least for 12 years, including a full loom and the adept Response series (started with an AR12, upgraded gradually to the current TSSOX). Thank you Roger Sheker!

One of their USP (unique selling point) is (was?) their upgrade pricing. Nobody else has this favorable one officially. (Well if you know the smaller shops like PAD / Jim Aud, you would get a "special" trade up price).
Correct me if I am wrong: Audience changed their upgrade pricing, until the SE series, it used to be $300 / speaker cables or interconnects (no change though for the power cords). Now you get 60% current retail credit which is still a good upgrade policy but much less generous than before. E.g. for a pair of 2.5m AU24SE speaker cables, the difference is $1,016 (=$3,290*0.4 - $300). I always "automatically" upgraded from AU24 to the AU24e and AU24SE in the past, it was a no-brainer to do so. Guess I will be keeping my AU24SE stuff.
Having said that, I am aware that the SX means new cable and new connectors whereas the E and SE were factual connector upgrades but the company could refurbish the older version and sell these into a market segment with a price that otherwise would not have considered Audience.