The Sad State of Movie Theater Sound Systems

In the last 2 weeks I have done something I haven't done in many years,go to a movie theater to see  new releases.First was the latest Star Wars & then at a completely different theater the new Dawn of Justice.In BOTH theaters the sound level was WAYYY to loud,distortion was running rampant in both cases.The highs were tipped up & brittle,mids had ABSOLUTELY no organics & bass was booming & 1 note to the MAX!!!If I hadn't paid well over $10.00 per ticket I would probably have walked out of both theaters!So for those of you who regularly go to movie theaters is this the norm or is Seattle just too tight to spend on the good stuff?
So everyone is overoverobsessed with sound quality in the movie theatres? I think it’s a very negligibly small chunk of the global problem.
Movies sucks and why they suck? Because of CENSORSHIP that is heavier then EVER than anywhere in the whole world including North Korea. All movies made to wash out your and your children’s brain so you keep on being foolish and entertained. Billions spent on new stadiums guess why?
Happy April Fools -- should really become our naitonal holiday.
I love going to the movies!! Sure , I try to see the movies I think will be great on the big screen. I bring a water and a couple of snacks , same for my daughter if we go together. I think the sound is great.
 I say, for the price paid their is no greater value of entertainment. And it's not even close. Concerts are way expensive, drinks, babysitters , sit through a shit warm up band , for a 55 minute set. And it cost me a hundred bucks!! At least !
I'll take a 2-3 hour movie for $10 bucks all day long.

Those looking for state of the art sound should find out if there is a theater who have a QSC amp and speaker system.  There is the ICON theatrre near Chicago downtown. All houses are QSC (a long time commercial power amp manufacturer) and the sound is amazing, including the ATMOS equipped ones.  They recently played the 70mm Tarentino movie, and no matter the level, there was never any harshness. One of  the major chains, AMC is starting to retrofit older theatres with QSC. And yes, new theatres are automated completely except for the Hateful eight which was in 70mm film super Panavision last used for Mad Mad Mad World. The QSC cinema expert lives in the Chicago suburbs, and was at the 70mm performance I attended along with the Dolby
