When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?

Mr. Taters is on a roll with his seemingly innocuous, but essentially rhetorical questions. Is Mr. Taters obsessive, perhaps? Might he actually be a closet Rapper? Kinda like those preachers and politicians who fling fire and brimstone at whatever they purport to find abominable. And then they are found out.

But if so or not, to what end? Or does Mr. Taters have some peculiar agenda?

My questions are not meant to be rhetorical although some may find them to be so.
Dweller: luckily there is no correlation between patent innovation and musical creativity. Hate to sound like an old timer, but I know my stuff.
Yes I have a strange way with the English language.  I type on a small iPad.  Sometimes too quickly. Lol.  However, enjoy your music. You like what you like. I don't care if I put people off or if I make a good case for my cause on this particular thread.  It is what it is. One would not expect to ever get a positive reaction or common ground on certain things in certain situations.  This one of them.  I don't think you make a case for your points either but at the end of the day it's not really important to either of us. It would be foolish to think that what I say to you and you to me matters much at all when it comes to this.  In your mind you think you have made brilliant observations about this subject. I beg to differ but in the end we probably will never meet or have a listening session and based on your responses that probably is a good thing for us both.  Now back to my jazz and my hip hop fad. Lol