Thoughts on New Krell Amps

I've been a fan of Krell Amps for a long time, but living in California with the high energy costs I'm looking for a more efficient and cooler running amp. I have just sold a Krell amp in anticipation of the new units being an answer to the high power draw of the former units.
I heard a full Krell system at T.H.E. 'Vegas show two or three years ago and
thought it among the best solid state out there.
Very refined.
Now, about those prices...
Krell has two new pre-amps to mate with their entire new line of amps, all of it starts shipping march, 2014!, looking forward to impressions of the total exsperience.
I want to like the newer Krell products, BUT, being made in china is a deal-breaker for me (should be for you guys as well).
being made in china is a deal-breaker for me (should be for you guys as well).
NOT for me, PERIOD! NOT a factor in my purchasing decision. PERIOD!
I look forward to the reviews. ..if they match the sq and power of my 700cx then they have a winner...if not
@ Mclsound Hi,I have a Krell 700cx, It's the only one out there that has been moded by Krell them selfs, currently, the amp is renewed inside and out By krell with caps and other tweaks that was not available in 2005, costed me a pretty penny!, the performance of the amp is suppose to exceed the norm krell 700cx, the amp is still in the box now, never been used, awaiting to get source to use direct to amp, good to see you have a 700cx, I look forward to the impressions of the new krells myself.
@ Jafant, Hi, look closely at the krell site, or where ever you can read the back of the new Krell amps and pre-amps, smile!, the units clearly say made in the U.S.A.!
Am I reading the Krell web site correctly that they now only make TWO stereo power amps?

Also, hasn't the rap on Krell been that they have killer bass, but not as good as Pass and some others in the mids and highs? How do the new iBias amps do in the mids and highs?

Thanks for any input!

I own the Krell xd 300 and the Illusion preamp with a pair of B&W 700S3

I used to own the 700cx along with the KPS25sc they were great units i had the 700cx recapped before i sold it that ran about 2K\

I really like the ibias setup with the illusion paired to my xd 300 thatĀ  has the sabre dac installed in the pre-amp which by the way only weighes around aprox 80 pounds where as my 700 cx was over 200 pounds to ship and Krell has limited replacement parts for the KPS25sc as the acrilic top pins are very easy to break and there own test cover in the shop has a broken pin

on it and i had to send it overseas to i believe Creoe who has a jig to replace the pins that are so easily broken there are limited parts on the cd drive so needless to say after 20 years with my old system it was time to go and i really like they way the ibias switching works keeping the amp in class A modeĀ  so i completly upgraded my system last year and I also use the Siltech silver cable through my whole system

and krell makes mo0re than 2 amps for example



The new KRELL DUO XD amps sound great. Super smooth, with enough detail, and good power. Does not get hot either.

A rumor post on A'gon was that KRELL will have a trickle-down version of the flagship KSA i400 out in June 2024.