Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
The TNT review of the Supra Ply 3.4 speaker cables, includes a discussion on the benefits of tinned wire;
The Ply 3.4 makes use of 192 pure tin plated OFC copper strands in a low inductance design. The advantages of low inductance and tin plating can be summarized as follows: low inductance gives a better transient performance while the tin plating minimises the (in)famous skin-effect by acting as a semi-Litz conductor and minimises also the current jumps over oxidized surfaces of individual wires in the conductor, so to say, such a configuration works with the same advantages of solid-core cables. The tin plating is considered better than the silver plating because copper and tin "melt" together without creating a diodic barrier such as between copper and silver. Moreover the tin plating protects the OFC copper from oxidation.
On another topic, are those of you with Supra cables using the screened (aka, shielded) version? TNT liked the sound of the Supras with the shield connected but, as is often the case, I found a whole bunch of comments saying shielding of speaker cables is basically BS.
I use the Supra 3.4W which is a compressed version of the standard 3.4 without the shielding (you can get the standard 3.4 either way). It's inductance is .05 lower than the standard 3.4 but I don't know if it's easily discernible between the two while listening. Looking at it crosscut you'd think, at first, it was copper foil, one run atop the other. It came out in 2014 so there's not much in the way of reviews out there that I could find.

All I know is it sounds very good and is more coherent across the board and betters the Supra 2.5 which I also have.

All the best,
In reading the Positive Feedback article cited above, it appears that the banana plugs in the pictures are Acoustic Revive RBN-1, which are rhodium plated.

Though it looks like the bananas were used on one end only, the 4 bananas cost a good bit more than the wire.

I found that using a connector, even on one end, affected the sound. I used them with no connectors.

to expand a bit on Charles' point and to relate my point of view - My system -300b tubes 6C6 driver tubes, Audio Note Transformers and Audio Note Speakers is all about rich tonal musicality. This amp is a classic Western Electric 91a which is a tonal, musical, gets-the-pacing-right beast. I have also learned over the past few months that it is also pretty highly resolving. I have as well learned that I can have much of that resolution without hurting the emotional musicality we all love. I plan on accepting nothing less. Classical music presents its own set of challenges which to my ears in order to get it right needs a good bit of resolution. My challenge is to find the interconnect that gets all of these elements in the right balance.

I am on the cable journey like all of you but am not yet able to draw any firm conclusions as to which interconnect I can live with. I continue down my road of discovery.

Gannyring, In my experience 30 hours is very short time for the WE16ga interconnects. I hope your journey is smoother than mine.
Following the lead of Jetrexpro, I too am not ready to make any final judgments on the WE or Belden wires. And I agree that a final judgment on these cables must take into account not only one's position in the "neutral/accurate" vs. "rich/musical/PRAT" debate but also the other gear used with the cables. In my case, my high efficiency vintage speakers are already warm, rich and dynamic; they are very smooth (no horn shout) but the top end is slightly soft and tapers off in the extreme highs. If I use other gear with the same characteristics, the colorations become too extreme. At the same time, I don't want my cables (or amplifiers or any other gear) to interfere with or detract from any of the special qualities the speakers have in the first place. So cable selection is a bit of a tightrope walk.