Who's got the best user name?

There are lots of descriptive or hillarious user names being employed here, but which ones are your favorites?
Well, I guess now there's nothing to do but put the boringest username on Audiogon in the ring of name-fame as an honorary inductee - Albertporter!

(BTW, all usernames ending with the suffix "-man" are automatically disqualified!)
Albert, somehow I missed your novella last week but I am very glad I ran across it now. That was just too funny. Thanks !!!
Nice, Albert. Where were you when I was enrolled in exploratory writing classes?
I was once reading a thread which discussed something about the classic threads on Audiogon and one of them was to do with refigerator, I was laughing for at least a week after having read that, now it is going to be history repeating itself.

Albert I know you were talented, but this is just unbelievable.

Everyone here appreciated your work of art, including those who were in your story, but if I remember reading all of it none thanked you for it. So, on behalf of all audiogoners thank you indeed for having entertained us.