What system components would you buy if...........

This should make for a good thread, I think. The question is if you had to start all over again with every part of the system, AND you couldn't buy anything that is now part of your system, what would you buy?

I pose this question, because alot of the threads consist of posts from members promoting their own system's components, which is natural.

The twist here is to put together your choices that you don't own. Maybe a package that is not necessarily your "dream" system, but a similarly priced alternative that might suit your needs as well as your current one.

All comments and descriptions as to what and why, may be included too.

Have a little fun!
I posed TWL's question to my wife. She said she's perfectly happy with her stainless steel Kitchen Aid convection oven with glass top and her stainless steel side by side Kenmore refrigerator with ice maker in door. She sees no need to upgrade! When asked what type of music she likes she would tell you both types, country and Western. It isn't easy getting a straight answer out of her sometimes. Hope this helps,
Dave & Gloria
My current system is solid state/electrostatic based and relatively complex, so if I were to do it over I'd want something very different, if just for the experience.

Speakers - Classic Audio's Studio IIs (w/ double woofers)
Integrated Amp - Pathos Twin
DAC - Audio Aero Prima
Cables - whatever works
Rack - Grand Prix

The digital source component would be similar to what I have now, a computer based hard disk server. There's no way I can ever go back to a single or multi disc CD player.
I would go with tube amps, Lamm or Tenor, rather than my current Ayre/Pass SS amps. I would try a passive pre-amp, like the Placette. I would spend the money I spent on my CD player on a great record player, like a Simon Yorke, and the money I spent on my record player would go towards a reasonably priced CD/SACD player like the Sony XA777ES. And I would absolute make sure that there is enough money left for a Koetsu cartridge - I love their looks but have never actually heard one. When it comes to cables, I have to pass. I cannot image replacing my NBS Omegas with anything else.
Now this is an interesting thread. My gut said Magnepan, but I would probably go some tube-high efficiency combo. I am sooo sick of being limited to amps with high power and stability in to tough loads.