Woofer placement near floor-benefits?

I don't understand the reasoning behind say the YG Sonja and Magico S3 with floor level placement of their woofers. Intuitively inappropriate to me. I think Avalon Diamond is technically much more appropriate with woofer well off the ground. I would appreciate being enlightened. Thanjs

I heard YG Anat at a show a few years back. Very nice. They seems to do a lot of things well.
I find my Triangles mate best with gear that is a touch towards the warm side of things.

I get it currently off my main system via the ARC sp16 pre-amp, the only tube piece in my main setup. Just a touch of warmth but nothing overt. A nice combo with the Class D amp.

They do very well also of the TAD Hibachis which add a fair amount of tube like warmth to the sound.

I really liked them off my old Tandberg TR2080 receiver which had a lovely warmth to its sound when I had that.

I will run these off a tube amp someday just for something completely different and fun, maybe a flea powered SET, whenever I finally get around to it.

I find the flaws with teh little Triangles to be mostly of ommision with the lowest octave but the setup and placement can effectively alleviate that, at least in a smaller room. I've used them in my larger room where the OHM 100s are currently along with a sub and that was a formidable pairing.
Thing about Triangles is you can hear their flaws but are having so much fun with them you don't care !
There is something to be said for speaker placement near the floor in general in terms of both reinforcing bass compared to otherwise and minimizing effects of sound reflected from the floor in general. In general, floor reflections add nothing useful to what you hear in regards to the reverberant field and its effect on soundstage and imaging and should be minimized whereas reflections from other room boundaries can and often do.

In some cases, a slight upward tilt in conjunction with placement near the floor may help things out even further.

I've done this recently with a pair of small Triangle monitors in my wife's acoustically challenged and very lively 12X12 sunroom with tile floor and vaulted ceilings (see system pic) using Isoacoustics brand isolating stands to help keep the bass clean and articulate and the results are superlative....teh best ever in that room.
You're not thinking this through properly. If the delay is short enough the ear/brain cannot distinguish it from the original sound. The closer the driver is to the floor, the shorter the delay. The higher up the driver, the longer the delay. You won't hear the delay as an echo, but it does effect frequency response. Typically a tall mounted driver will create a frequency response dip right in the middle of the lower midrange. Play around with this calculator to see how it works.
Sorry,I can't see your (their)reasoning Bob. Closer to the floor will simply make the floor bounce closer in time to the initial signal. Yes the bass is reinforced - but there is a time delay involved.I prefer to get the initial signal as clean as possible.
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I agree in that it depends on the design and how the end product sounds. My Unity Audio Sig 1's had a down facing woofer on the bottom of of the cabinet and the results were excellent. The speaker wasn't bass heavy and the integration was excellent.
Just depends on how the speaker is designed and voived. Woofer near the floor will give reinforced low end but it has to be balanced with the rest of the system. To say one design is more appropriate than the other really is not based on anything more than some gut feeling you have. I have heard the speakers you mention and they are all excellent