wiring monoblocks to speakers


I am trying to figure this out for a while

What is the best way to wire the MB to the speakers. Long interconnects and MB close to the speakers or the MB close to the Preamp and longer wires to the speakers.

Thanks a bunch!

In general, it is better to have long interconnects and short speaker cables
because the effect of interconnect is far less than speaker cable.

However, if you are in a noisy environment and your interconnects aren't well
shielded, than it will be better to have short interconnects.
This topic has been discussed many times, perhaps a search of the archives would prove helpful.
I prefer longer speaker cables with my setup.How long of a run are you doing?
I prefer long interconnect and short speaker cable. If you decide to run long interconnect it is important your preamp has low output impedance.
Jmcgrogan, rough night? Or are you just short on….

If you can't be bothered why even respond. As you can see other are only to happy to help.
If the preamp and amp have balanced techmology (XLR), use long interconnects and short speaker cables. Otherwise, do the reverse...

All scientific stuff aside....monoblocs look very cool sitting next to the speaker.
All scientific stuff aside....monoblocs look very cool sitting next to the speaker.

Good answer.
Long speaker cables usually raise their capacitance and with some amps this can roll off the top end. Like hanging a capacitor over the posts. Keep spk. Cables short and interconnects longer if shielded adequately. Jallen
Vicdamone, rough night? Why respond to me? You added nothing to the thread either. The help that you speak of is only more of the same old rhetoric that has been posted on this topic ad nauseam.

It brought back memories of one member who started a thread title STFA (Search The Freaking Achives). Where he vented at those posting benign, repetitive questions posted every other day. I wish they hadn't deleted that thread. I thought I handled it rather politely. ;)

Final verdict, some say short ic's long sc's, some say short sc's, long ic's. Problem solved.
Jmcgrogan2, your response to the original post was uncool. The guy is new to the forum, and you come across as some pompous and arrogant schmuck that's throwing a wet blanket over a sincere question by a new guy.

Just about every subject posted here has been discussed in some form or manner over the years. If we took your logic, there would be no need for new posts...just dig through the archives until you find something.

If someone posts a question here that you think has been talked to death..just keep moving and let others have their say. Please, keep that attitude to yourself, the forum doesn't need it.

To Tedweitz: Welcome to Audiogon! This is a great forum of great people that are willing to help you and answer your questions as well as they can. Please continue ask as many questions as you like and continue to partake in the discussions here. This is a really great group of guys.
Thanks guys,

I truly appreciate the immediate responds I got. I apologize for my limitations in searching the site. I have tried to Google the topic and looked at my Better Audio book and still could not find an answer.

As for my systems I have several 2 tubes one with Jewel Electra Pre and VTL 450 Amp feeding a 3.6 Maggies i have anther system with Rouge Audio Pre and MB and Audio Physic Virgo

My interconnects are RCA and not balanced.

I saw MB in the audio shows near the speakers and now that my daughters [ 4, 5] seem to be less likely to crawl - fall into the MB if they are on the floor.

Shorter speaker cables will allow me to buy fancier cables but then again I have not seen many long interconnects

I once had costume silver speakers wires with an old Quad II system and they gave me goosebumps but I was not able to recreate that experience since so any reconciliations now on exceptional reasonable wires would be truly appreciated too

Thanks again for this highly appreciated help

Oops, it flew away before editing it

So, I have several systems. two of them are tube systems: One is with Jewel Electra Pre and VTL 450 Amp feeding a 3.6 Maggies speakers that I biwire. The other system is a Rouge Audio Pre and MB feeding an Audio Physic Virgo speakers.
I have monoblocks and recently positioned an equipment rack between the speakers with the monos between the rack and speakers so no cable is over 1M. Before that, I took advantage of positioning the monoblocks next to the speakers and used longer ICs and shorter SCs. I recommend your longer ICs be shielded to reduce EMI/RFI pickup. Some will disagree but it is my opinion shielding is generally a good idea for all ICs. Most commercial ICs are shielded.
There is no universal answer, as it depends on various technical characteristics of the particular components, as well as on the characteristics of the cables, and the preferences of the listener. Those are among the reasons that opinions and reported experiences on this question tend to diverge.

In your particular case my guess is that the most significant of those variables is likely to be the fact that both of the speakers you mentioned have impedances which are low, in the vicinity of 4 ohms or less across much of the audible spectrum. They also both have a significant impedance fluctuation in the upper mid-range region. Those characteristics tend to favor the short speaker cable approach, assuming that the goal is to minimize the sonic effects of all of the cables that are involved.

As Rrog indicated, it is desirable to drive long interconnects with components having low output impedance. The preamps you mentioned have output impedances that are neither very low nor very high. You can minimize or eliminate the sonic effects that may result from the interaction between those output impedances and the capacitance of the interconnect cables by choosing cables having low capacitance per unit length (e.g., 25 pf per foot or less, the lower the better). Also, I second the suggestion of avoiding unshielded cables in this situation.

-- Al
03-03-13: Almarg
There is no universal answer, as it depends on various technical characteristics of the particular components, as well as on the characteristics of the cables, and the preferences of the listener. Those are among the reasons that opinions and reported experiences on this question tend to diverge.

Thank you, Al. Always the voice of reason.
One example that is supported by (or supports?) Al's always succinct, useful, and thorough advise:

I use 5m runs of extremely low capacitance RCA IC's (Nordost) between high input sensitivity (.75V) tube mono blocs and a high quality resistor based pot passive preamp; fed by a very high gain phono stage (EAR). Very short lengths (1.5') of Siltech speaker cables connect the amps to fairly high efficiency, 6 ohm load (nominal) speakers. Works great!
Sorry, but I don't agree. There was no direct nastiness in Jmcgrogan2's post. His perspective is entirely reasonable.
Yes, but that's because short reponses closer to the OP is always better than long, low capacity responses between posters.