Wired4Sound STP 2 preamplifier vs Coda X7 preamplifier

​Hi guys

For almost a year I have been using Wired4Sound STP 2 preamplifier. I am happy with it, i think it is a really good preamp, delivers clean sound and tube-like soundstage. I am also  surprised how it gives such a gain in passive mode (the one i own has a little problem with the attenuation, raising the volume up manually does not always work well, e.g., the volume level goes down instead of going up. I didn't get a response from EJ recently - i hope he is well).  

I need another preamp for the other system, and thought about Coda X7 preamp - i read good things about in this forum, in particular. 

Did any of you compare these two? The Coda is about twice the price of STP, is it that better, or is it just better​, in what (perhaps the design, something else)?​


I think there are a few different generations. Coda said that they deliver within 3 weeks after the purchase - apparently they still produce it. I was looking for a demo or used one, but in fact have no idea if these pres are indeed better than what I use now (of about half of the price of Coda).

@audiotroy has the 07x been out a long time? I coudve sworn 07x came out a few yrs ago but i saw a guy trying to sell his and he wrote it was 5/6yrs old. Not sure if Coda updated it and kept the same name or this guy just wrote a typo in the description. 

Of course these speakers will sound much better in a bigger space. I'm glad you were able to arrange them and I hope that you both will last for a very long time. In fact, I had to do a similar job with my CS6s which I also bought used.  I was  lucky that at that time Thiel was not yet dead, and that  a very nice guy from there called Ron was able to rebuild the coaxis very well. By the way, mid-range of CS 3.7 is wonderful and low frequencies of CS6 are unrepeatable.

The system I have is limited by the small room, but I made it work to some degree of success. I need to move to a bigger house. The Thiel CS3.7 is an oldtime fav of mine, and I am glad I finally got it. I should have gotten it years ago, but I listened to people say you need a very large space for them. I know now that there are ways to make any speaker work in a small space.

I bought my CS3.7's used last November and had to replace the 2 COAX drivers with new ones. The woofers were replaced by the previous guy. I had to fix a hole in the COAX fastener to the unit (for vacuum seal). Do some soldering on the crossover. Those were all for screwups by the previous owner. I screwed up the finish due to a mistake on my part and decided to just paint the thing black. The speaker is now in almost new condition except the funky paint job. Either the speaker dies first, or I do before it is replaced in the office.


yes, I meant 07x, sorry.

audiotroy, i have already replied you. 

yyz... thaks for your input, your system looks impressive. 

i also use Thiel speakers, 3 different pairs of them (in three

different systems) CS6 (in the main system), MCS1s with a Thiel sub (in my studio) and CS3.7s.

all are excellent, neutral, natural, clear, i love them. i would not mind also to geta pair of CS3.7s


I have the CODA 07x and Benchmark LA4 preamp in my office system. The 07x is nicely warm with excellent details. It tames my bright RAAL SR1a headphones. It also sounds good with my Thiel CS3.7 speakers which are not bright. The 07x is not utterly silent and has a tiny but of hiss with the CODA #8 amp. The 07x has dual XLR outputs.

I use the Benchmark LA4 when I do not want the warmth in my Thiel CS3.7’s. I never use the LA4 with my RAAL (not good). It is utterly quiet and adds nothing to the sound. It also sounds great with my CODA #8.

I have a Topping pre90 (in another system) that sounds exactly like my LA4 but only with my Benchmark AHB2 amps. It has some gremlins with 3 other amps I had in the house at one time. It also works well with the Parasound A2+ amp. I only mention it because it cost $600. Stereophile will review it in Feb 2022.

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we are a coda dealer


the 07 is a terrfic preamp very transparent a huge soundstage it should soundbetter


we can send you one to test out


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

Coda Dealers