Good Morning @debrajray , I certainly concur that any wifi on the audio LAN can create noise. But the Clean Wifi (wifi on the clean network) is designed to have minimal impact by its designer Chris at DeJitterit. Also, there are no other appliances on it to chat with except my one ipad, so minimal traffic. I would refer you to DeJitterit to further cull this thought, Chris is great, brilliant and approachable if you are interested. He helped me get it all set up. I keep my ipad on this clean network, so there is not much switching back and forth. Everything else in my home weather wired or not, is on the main LAN.
I think this is simpler that trying to get my Eero wifi to jump over to the clean network every time I want to play / search with Roon.
I also have some Sonos gear, bedroom, bathroom and soundbar, again all on the main network.
I think a lot of people forget how much traffic in a typical home is on their Lan, and it grows continuously. TV's, Wireless speakers, thermostats, cameras, security, PHONES, and now even kitchen appliances, lighting and even more.