Why is abusive, negative content allowed?

There’s a certain member here, I think we all know who I am talking about, who continues to be little everyone else here with their rude and condescending remarks.  He continually tries to insult and creat strife and division.  It is not healthy for productive conversations or for the site.  
Why will the moderators allow this poison to ruin the site?  They are turning people off from coming here and trying to start positive, useful content.

It’s a cancer that should be removed otherwise it’s going to have detrimental effects on this site.  Is that so hard to understand for the moderators?

Tammy is so incredibly helpful but I don’t understand why this negative behavior is allowed to continue and fester...

*G*  Everyone needs some to get by, and get on with it.

To excess: We have a towering version for POTUS right now.

As for the first sentence...I don't believe that for a nanosec.  Unless you're kidding....which a noted tendency towards.

Happy Friday, BTW. *S*

3 posts
05-13-2020 7:43am
As a newcomer to this site, my first two posts were removed for no reason. Nothing that broke your rules. Didn’t insult anyone, just made a joke. So I’m already put off by your community and moving on. Seems like you got a moderator on a power trip in here.

Well, shoot, sorry to hear that. Don't go.. No need to get your feeling all hurt..They just need to get use to your, wonderful style, and carisma. Some deletions are automatic too.  But there are a few report happy folks. Very few, it's a pretty good place..

You didn't call anyone a booger eatin' spaz, or anything did ya?...

You can't say booger, or eatin' or spaz, that's a real bad one. 
No name callin'. Even if they are a spaz, can't call em a spaz.
Even if they eat boogers. Booger eatin' spazs. Is more than one
BES.. Can't say that.. Be careful..


@isochronism , I suppose you are correct 👍

@oldhvymec, if God didn’t want us eatin’ our boogers, he wouldn't have put our nose so close to our mouth.  Jus sayin

Soooo, we’re allowed to be rude and offensive in PM’s, correct?  Otherwise I’m going to be in trouble...

And what’s the deal with so many people posting without reading an entire thread.  I mean, people respond to 10 year old threads where the OP is asking advice on which speaker to buy.  Shoot, even if it’s a current thread and the OP states he just bought fill in the blank, you still get people rambling on with suggestions.  If you got the time to respond, you got the time to read the thread 🤦🏻‍♂️
b_limo, I will say that you are a very proper well mannored respectable person. You’re making most of us look bad!!
I think you get MY point. Post Deletions are a pet peeve of mine.
We all got one..

Rude, could just be, down right ignorance.
That in itself, is not to bad, BUT self imposed by many as reason to be rude (I was raised in a barn, I’m behind my keyboard so I’m fearless) NOT YOU. You seem to be aware of others, That’s good. My only fear is when someone ELSE, can have such a profound effect with words TYPED on a view screen on YOU. Your, better than that...
That’s shi$head 1, Niceguy ZERO. It is a game right?
Gotta win, there is no cryin’ in Baseball, Remember ol Tom Hanks. LOL
The self imposed ignorant, choose to be rude bastard is gonna post anyways. Right? Laugh, Dance (no pun intended) still on one stilt? Sorry about that one.. Enjoy the fart smellin’ ignorant person, and add them in your memoirs, when far far far in the future, the end does great you. Hopefully with wide open arms my friend..
Let me go get my holy water... I feel a blessing comin’ on.. God bless your EARS. May what you hear, calm your spirit, from what you read my friend... Amen! (the end)

Post removed 
Post removed 
Speaking of cancer why is Troutchoker’s post allowed to stand? Mods, do your duty. Hel-loo!