@lowrider57 , it’s not you buddy. I’ve enjoyed your contributions for years... |
Its a shame. Is Audiogon insider better? Audiogon is the only Audio forum I have participated in because they have the best layout. Maybe it’s time to branch out and see what other sites are out there 😕 |
@lalitk I just used that button for the first time.
I’ll be using it a lot now.
It’s really just one member that stands out for me. Sure there are others with strong opinions, and they also sound like a skipping cd, but...
Analogy time: if I owned a pizza shop and had someone standing in front of my door telling all my customers that pizza all over the world sucks, and that they are stupid for eating pizza, and that no one can really make a good pizza, I’d call the cops on him and have him removed.
@lowrider57 definitely one other but I suppose I should start being nice if I don’t want to come up “missing” like some whistleblower in China |
@yakbob , you offered good advice, I’ll take it! Thank You 👍 |
@jond , there are others but none that even come close to pissing me off more.
there are so many good people here that its a shame that a few of the bad ones can ruin it for the majority
I just e-mailed Tammy and asked her to delete this thread...
@oldhvymec, I have p.m.’d the specific user beforehand (why the presumption on your part that I didn’t?).
To my knowledge, its not within audiogons guidelines to call out individuals by name. I’d rather not do that anyhow because I figured that most would have known who I was talking about. Interesting that there seems to be at least 2 or more people that fit this description well yet are allowed to continue on with belittling positive contributors to this site (and some of those positive contributors are big contributors to the industry as well)
I would have ZERO issues with this person if I thought they were being sarcastic and funny (shoot, I’d even join in) but it really doesn’t appear that way to me (or from numerous others who respond to his posts and who appear to be pretty intelligent, from what I gather).
Differences of opinion are essential for making progress and are welcomed. Telling people that they are all idiots, stupid and dumb while offering nothing at all of value is destructive and counterproductive.
One person, not multiple people, stated “I hope its not me” with tongue in check, I presume, because as far as I know, he gets along with others just fine.
I agree with many things you said; many valid points! I agree that if you don’t like a post, don’t read it and move on. The problem is when the individual posts on your thread, insulting you and everyone else, and derailing a constructive thread. As stated earlier, it should not be our responsibility nor do I want that responsibility, to police others here. If you make an insulting comment here or there, whatever. If it is every time, like clockwork, not whatever.
”praise in public, chew in private” 👍 excellent advice. I will carry this forward with me; Thank You 😁
I am a strong supporter in free speech and freedom in general. Where and how do we draw the line when people use free speech to continually put others down, insult others intelligence, and bring strife and division?
Is it acceptable for a man to stand outside of an elementary school blurting out profanities to children? Is it acceptable for people to use their free speech to insult others based on race, religion, age, social status? I think “safe spaces” are a joke but I also think that it isn’t appropriate to do any of the fore mentioned examples. I’m not saying that the person I’m upset with did any of the aforementioned things, but they do continually and blatantly say that everyone here, and in the industry is an idiot and that he is the only worthy “great one”. They time and time again refer to themselves in the third person as “the great one” and that we all, everyone here, everyone in the industry is a stupid idiot and that only he is worthy. Thats fine. They can say and believe what they want but when is enough enough? Why should dozens of positive, polite, cordial, educated, informative and helpful people need to go away so that 1 or 2, destructive, negative, self grandiose, pompous, belittling people can carry on with their destruction here?
I already asked the moderators to delete this thread, both in this thread and via pm...
I am a believer and I understand well how prayer works. I am very careful how and what I ask God for. I’m not a follower of a God who takes peoples vision away when his followers pray to not see any more evil in this world.
It would be my bet, oldhvymec, that you and I have much more in common than we have in differences.
If I don’t get banned from Audiogon (which I hope I don’t) I will move forward in a different way and do my best not to get wrapped up in all the negativity. |
For the record, I asked Tammy to delete this thread 2 days ago; I dicn’t state which thread.
She immediately e-mailed me back but it went to my junk folder.
i just found it and let her know that it was this thread that I asked to be deleted.
I am all for free speech. Thats a big part of what makes this country great. I needed to learn, which I have, that if you don’t like what someone is saying, don’t respond or move on. I’d hate for anyone to start dictating what can be said here, or anywhere.
Lesson learned.
Another lesson learned is its not wise to post while under the influence of heavy pain meds. I’ve got a leg thats Horribly broken as of last week and have been on my back for 9 days straight now (with probably another 6 weeks to go).
Sorry guys for the crappy thread; I haven’t been by usual self lately.
so again, I apologize guys 🙁 |
“Given that we all have biases, how does one reliably differentiate between "trolling" and "posting controversial content"
This is why you can’t have free speech at the same time as moderating what can be said or not said.
I’ll just keep moving along when posters who I know offend me, post a thread... |
“Now, let’s get back on topic of killer audio! watts, tubes, cables, arguments about watts and everything else!
Cheers mates!”
Agreed 👍 |
Agree, Almarg has been nothing but helpful and informative for years. He’ll research your $500 dacs output impedance to make sure its enough to drive your $250 pre amp. Great guy!
Audiokinesis and Atmasphere are always informative and classy as well. Even though I’m not buying gear at the level they speak of, their posts are still fun for me to read and helpful for others!
The sad thing is that 10 years ago, there was a list of 15-20 people who were daily contributors in similar fashion. |
Not really. Top shelf is a buck fitty
and yes, yes you are on a roll today G 👍 and I think Jerry is as well 😁
Thanks for the smiles Gentlemen. ...Now off to watch Demolition Man |
@atmasphere good to know that trolling is not allowed here. The person that I am complaining about, and the reason I started this thread, is because of a blatant troll. There is no question about it, he is trolling us and many have fell into his trap. I’m glad I started this thread now.
@heaufio123 Thank you for that well thought out and well laid out post! It was very informative 👍
@stereo5 , much better, Thank you very much for asking! On a very low dose of pain meds now too which is really, really good. Don’t see how people get hooked on that crap...
That Monty Python video was great! Check out soundermn’s link if you haven’t already 😂 |
@asvjerry , try 90mg of oxy a day for 7 days straight and get back with me. 2 or 3 beers are great, having to put down 2 cases is not so great.
I felt like I was on Shutter Island while I was in the hospital... |
@isochronism , I suppose you are correct 👍
@oldhvymec, if God didn’t want us eatin’ our boogers, he wouldn't have put our nose so close to our mouth. Jus sayin
Soooo, we’re allowed to be rude and offensive in PM’s, correct? Otherwise I’m going to be in trouble...
And what’s the deal with so many people posting without reading an entire thread. I mean, people respond to 10 year old threads where the OP is asking advice on which speaker to buy. Shoot, even if it’s a current thread and the OP states he just bought fill in the blank, you still get people rambling on with suggestions. If you got the time to respond, you got the time to read the thread 🤦🏻♂️ |