Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
"So are some of the prices—with exotic speaker cables ranging up to $100/m, or even more!"

What a difference 25 years make.

Let me know when one can measure tonality and soundstage of a cable with an oscilloscope. I’ll wait. 
Miller, your use of that KenRockwell article for dramatic effect is totally disingenuous. 

Megapixels matter very much, but not if the sensors actual surface area is small. Which is why claiming you’ve squeezed 20+ MP onto a 1.7” sensor is meaningless, because it won’t be able to collect the same amount of light for any given shutter speed as a larger, smaller MP sensor.
Mr. ieales

To many words to say nothing!
" It depends on the system. Some systems will confound the most skilled listeners. Some systems are relatively immune to cable effects. Other combinations are like flipping a switch."

Which systems do sound different and which don't?
Why is that? What parameter of the system make the difference?
The truth is that you don't know.

For the other guy, who claim that a cable length is a measurement, or it's gauge. Would you buy a car with that kind of information?