Why are Pass such a good match with Maggies?

Pass amps are often considered to be an excellent match with Maggies but what is the reason they are (according to a lot of people) such a good match? I am toying with the idea of buing an XA 100.5 for my 3.7s.
I'm a big fan of Bryston , but the 3.7 , Bryston match I heard was not much more than fair .
As they also seem to with Parasound & Bryston - albeit for a lot smaller price tag.
"Could you please explain this statement?"
A quote from Robert Harley´s review of the XA100.5 in TAS.

"Thanks, perhaps it is the XA.5´s character; "reminiscent of tubes but without tubey colorations" that make them a great match with Magnepans....."

Could you please explain this statement?
Thanks, perhaps it is the XA.5´s character; "reminiscent of tubes but without tubey colorations" that make them a great match with Magnepans.....
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Because the combination of Pass and Maggies make "music" together. Look at my reviews here on the GON regarding how my Pass Labs XA-60.5's, I biamp MG 20's, for the details regarding the sonics of this matchup.