Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.

Hello All,
I’m coming up on 40 yrs in this hobby,and or obsession of ours,and I started with a pair of Khorns and Macintosh at the age of 12 and Offcourse owned a ton of different gear over the yrs.
I bought a 2170 a little more than 6 months ago and I enjoyed it so much that I quickly realized I don’t really need anything else,solid state,tubes,or even dac’s anymore.I could step off that silly merry go round of amplification and just enjoy music.I was able to utilize the extra money and time and put together a really great sounding network audio system that rivaled the best in analog that I have ever had,I was mainly a analog guy all of these yrs but finally gave it up,I even sold my longtime record collection of 3k records which included many Hot Stampers that I purchased and also several that I found on my own.

So who Luv’s the 2170 and is maybe also thinking about the new 3400.

Happy Listening,

Hi Lyngdorfians,

I wanted to ask this question to this group since I already asked this question to a Lyngdorf dealer.

I am going to move tomorrow to a new house. The home office room where I will have my system is small, 10.5W x 11L x 9H. I am going to buy the Lyngdorf 3400 to drive some new speakers.

The question is which speaker to get.

My 2 choice are the KEF Reference 1 or the Magico A3. The Lyngdorf dealer mentioned to me that a speaker with a small foot print such as the 2 I have mentioned would work. Can any of you add your experiences using the Lyngdorf in such a small room? Were you able to use a floor stander?

I would prefer the A3 because I already have stand mount type speakers, Audience 1+1 V3 and KEF LS50 in other rooms. I am likely going to sell the Audience 1+1 once I get the new speaker for the office.

I want to get a bit more bass in my sound than I have had with the Audience and LS50.
There are some unique to the Lyngdorf advantages of using speakers that work best close to the wall.

I've got a TDAI-3400 driving a pair of KEF Reference 1's in a room only marginally larger than yours. I could not be any happier with this set up. From the bass to the highs, this system has no issues reproducing whatever music I put into it (via Roon). From an expansive orchestra (Beethoven's Ninth never sounded so wide and realistic) to the intimacy of Jazz at the Pawnshop, I can't help but smile when I am listening to this. The Stones on Get Yer Ya-ya's Out are standing in front of me and I can point to each musician.


I am also intrigued by Lyngdorf.

My speaker Lansche 4.1 is pretty sensitive(99db/w spec, but real no may be 94db/w) with two actively driven 10 inch driver.

Rogue Cronus Magnum II with 100 power can drive my speakers loud enough in my spacious listening space with high vault.

I am an old fashioned guy playing just CD, so the connectivity using USB does not matter.

Is there noticeable difference in sound quality not quantity between 2170 or 3400?

I appreciate your kind response.

@velomane  Thanks for the great feedback. I am semi done setting up my office and I think I will follow your advice and get the KEF Ref 1. Why take the change with the A3. Just looking at the space tells me I may have issues. I did manage to get a few extra cubic feet of space in the room. I removed the closet door and stuck my bookshelf and part of my desk in the closet space. I was eyeing taking of some of the closet wall but I likely would be in trouble. Not a great space still but your feedback gives me confidence that the Ref 1 will sound great.