Who can repair older Theta

I have a Pro Gen 3 balanced DAC and it has some noise issue. Theta will not accept for repair.
Any suggestions or recommendations.

I wanted to make a note that I called Tom Tatay at the above number and he said he only works on Tube equipment and and not digital Theta equipment. A very nice guy by the way. Just a correction to the above posting
Geez - they won't even work on it? Here's a story: I just bought a Theta Casa Nova on eBay, but because a previous user had installed a password for setup, and no one knew it, Theta required that it be sent to the factory for an Eeprom reset - which would cost $350 and take six weeks. For a password reset...

I've had better support from Harman for their Proceed products, which were discontinued several years ago.
Theta refused to even talk about repairing my $4,500.00 transport-no more parts.
You may want to contact Jim White from Aesthetix. He use to work for Theta. Jim now makes his own digital converter. You can look him up through Musical Surroundings.
I too have had less than satisfactory service from Theta even with receipt from an authorized retailer
Glory... That's good news for Theta owners. There are numerous mentions on the internet about Tom Tutay, but nothing about how to contact him. Does he have a Website?

This is how we learn what brands not to buy. I am currently considering a CD upgrade and Theta is not on my list nor will they ever be. We need to support the companies that deserve our support.

Because an item was not purchased new by you is a poor excuse. If there is no used market for a given product then there will not be a desire for new products either.

Maybe Theta will be the next company to bite the dust.
I would not monetarily support a company that will not provide support for their products.
That is crazy, why won't Theta work on their older products. I can't beleive they expect original owners to live and die with their products, it's just not realistic. It's not like you aren't willing to pay for their service, if that's the case I am lucky I don't own their products.

I had the same problem with a Theta Jade a few years ago. They gave me a hard time because I was not the original owner. I finally traded it in at a dealer when I bought my preamp. Recently I was looking for a new CD player and Theta was not on my list.