Which pre amp do I keep, Perraux SM-2 or Plinius CD Lad

I have a Plinius CD LAD preamp and a Perraux SM -2, the amp is the Perreaux 2150B. Which pre amp do you recommend for my system. I also have an Arcam FMJ CD23, CD player, and ADS 1290 speakers.
Looks like it’s time for you to have a winner take all shoot out. Or,do what I would do. Keep both and rotate for a different flavor. 
Not sure why you asking for opinions when you own both preamps under consideration?  Keep the one that sound the best.
I have a Perreaux 2150B too! A heavyweight contender - literally! I’d keep the SM-2! Nice to have a matching set up! I don’t think the Plinius is any better!
I’m not sure anyone can help much. It is the one you like the sound of most.