Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


Im about now to try the Synergistic Research HFT (10 Pieces).
You had me reading up till then, lucky it was your last sentence and not your first, if it was I would have ignored the rest of your post, I hope directional ac mains fuses aren't next? 

Cheers George

     Very good news that a completed class D amp using Hypex's top NC1200 modules and powered by their top Hypex SMPS1200A700 PSUs will be available soon from Nord for 3,995 pounds ($5,214 usd).  
     With class D amps using the new faster GaN FETs availability increasing and entry prices decreasing, I doubt Hypex's decision to now allow Nord the use of their top NC1200 modules is a coincidence.
     This new amp from Nord raises a few interesting questions:

Why has Nord limited the class A output current of their custom buffer feeding the NC1200 module in this new amp to 250mA? 

Is Hypex clearing NC1200 module inventory prior to introduction of a new top module, or even series of modules, utilizing the faster GaN FETs?

What are Hypex designer, Bruno Putzeys, opinions on the new faster GaN FETs and does he plan to incorporate them into his future class D module designs?


I listen to all of my music streaming Tidal hifi (non MQA) with my Notebook with Audinirvana+ and Dirac Room Correction software (very recomendable).
From the Notebook, I have the Audioquest Jitterbug (not a big improvement), then the Wyred4sound USB Reclocker with a Linear Power Supply (a very nice improvement), the Gustard U16 USB converter (an incredible improvement, I still cant believe it), then with a HDMI cable to my Audio-gd R8 Ladder DAC (a very nice and extremely detailed DAC), connected via ACSS cables to my Audio-gd Master 1 preamp (another great piece of gear), then with XLR cables to the Nord (no words needed), and then Kimber Cables 8R to my Q Acoustics Concept 500 tower speakers (amazing ones).
Everything is connected to a Bada LB-5600 Power Filter with DH Labs AC Power Plus Cable and three PS Audio Noise Harversters.
I use in all my connections Sylclear Contact Enhancer.
Im about now to try the Synergistic Research HFT (10 Pieces). We’ll see if they are as good as some people say!!

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Hello guys
I have a Nord stereo power amp, two monoblocks in one chasis, with NC500 modules and the new Rev D boards with Sparkos Op Amps. It cost me about 2k.
I have no experience with other class D amps, but I've had some class A tube integrated, the last one (Line Magnetic LM-508IA integrated 300B tubes based) is a VERY rewarded one among audiophiles costed about 5k in US, with out the cost of upgrading the tubes. 
Using both as power amps and the exact same system, all I can say is that the Nord BLOWS it out of the water in EVERY field: pin point soundstage, depth, tonal accouracy, dinamics (WOW), noise, etc. May be the only thing they were close is midrange sweetness... Yes, this field in a class D amp vs a 300B class A valve amp!
The Nord costs less than a half, weigths 1/5, consumes much less power, generates much less heat and needs zero manteinance (the tubes on the LM are expensive, mostly the Power ones, and you need to replace them about once a year).
I dont know about the reselling price and for the price I've paid I dont care much, but the Nords are a bargain. My system never sounded so good!! 
That’s cool news from Nord. I’ve always heard the nc1200 was better than the nc400 or 500 but not sure where the differences are. Has anybody had a chance to compare the nc1200 to the 400 or 500?
Mad respect to Colin. About 6 months ago I came very close to buying, his Ice Edge then learned more about NCore and could not decide. Complicating the purchase, Im in USA, where there is almost zero Nord resale market

Prior to my next purchase I had 2 Emerald Physics 100.2 SEs with upgraded fuses, which I found thin in the mids  (they replaced a W4S MC 250/500 multi-channel amp)  the 250 sounded different than the 500. I latter learned they were different modules

I replaced the EPs with a used Audio Alchemy DPA -1 (stereo amp: MSRP $1995), which I bought at ~ 50% off. My preamp is the AA DDP-1.(also $1995 (sans PS 5 power supply: $695).

This combination trounced the EP.  After many months I was finally able to purchase a demo PS 5 power supply at 30% off. That addition can be likened to a young boys puberty voice change.

I also am taking delivery of a slightly used (~ 300 hours) 3 piece PS Audio M700s (Ice modules) + Gain Cell dac//pre at ~ 40% off.

These class D experiences will prepare me for what comes next, but sooner or later there will be a next 

I hear you saying "BUT"

Well, this Nord could well be many people's last amp purchase, but what about GaN, etc?  The good and bad is Class D is a fast moving target. Both Ric of EVS and Ralph of Atmosphere are entering the game soon 
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Guido, Please let us know how big a difference there is between a single 535 vs a bridged pair in your evaluation, thanks.
 guido...how’s the Rowland M535 review coming along? please let us know when it’s ready for prime time... thanks.
jetter, I wouldn't be surprised if sme of the haters own/work for hi-end companies who are stuck in the past with no way out 

this is great news and well hidden from the public.

After months of searching, I finally have a PS 5 being delivered today to pair with my AA DDP-1, match to my AA DPA-1 stereo amp.

Also arriving today, a pair of PS M700s and GC Stellar DAC 
The new Alchemy Series DPA-2 sounds interesting. I have some demo units coming in soon to review. Class A linear supply front end with class D output.

I haven't heard one yet (or any class D) , but if it sounds comparable in quality to the DDP-2 preamp/DAC/streamer, it has potential to be excellent.

Peter Madnick has my attention. 
++noble regarding guido. To a couple of other posters, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. It’s much more fun without you two "telling" us what to think, over and over. It will be a struggle, but there are a couple of knowledge experts we actually enjoy listening to. 
Hello Guido,

     I had no idea you have such a musical background, very nice. 
    My typical initial reaction, when I read negative comments about the sound quality of class D like those in clearthink's post , is to wonder exactly which class D amps they listened to that was perceived as sounding so bad.  
    My next reaction, that seems to be similar to yours, is that they certainly did not listen to music amplified via my class D amps in my system since I always completely fail to recognize any of the supposed class D negative qualities they mention.
     Unfortunately, I recall only 1 class D amp critic listing the brand and model of class D amp on his post that he had listened to and based his opinions on.  
      I welcome honest criticism of specific class D amps within the context of specific systems.  However, some generalizations of class D performance  (such as "I personally find that class D amplification sounds just dreadful to those familiar with the sound of real music, instruments, and acoustic spaces", "class D treble is harsh and fatiguing", "the soul of the music is missing" , "there's something missing", etc.) without mentioning any class D amp or system details are so broad and unspecific that they become meaningless.   

Strength of Class D is when lots of power is needed in a small and perhaps affordable low maintenance package.

Class D may or may not be a good option in other cases, however those will be weaker cases for Class D ie cases where the unique aspects of Class D do not matter as much.

What the best option is largely depends on the playing field. Each approach is sound and can sound very good on its home field, less so playing away games on the others, so one can always set pre-conditions that favor one solution versus another. What happens and is needed in real life is all that matters in the end.
 I will pray for you.

Really!!  with how your self shilling on these forums. 
And now your bringing god and love into it now. You are a piece of work.


We are all here to grow in Love......to stop judging.  I cannot make you be less harsh and judgemental.  Only you can decide to do this for yourself. I will pray for you.

You are passing judgement on Guido
Really! again!! If you bother to read yet again, which you have a problem with it seems comprehending, clearthink was expressing his opinions only, what he said quote: " I personally find".
In no way was he trying to force his "judgement" onto "G"
You need to take a "shill break" and get off threads that have nothing to do with what your selling in the near future.


You need to take a break! You are passing judgement on Guido....that is for sure. Then, you could say, I am passing judgement on you for judging Guido for.......ha, ha, ha. Really, I love you....I don’t judge you....but I call you out on your judgements.

Can we just let go and stop calling names! Lighten up George! Stop fighting! Go watch a hallmark movie.....cry a little...laugh a lot. Life is a miracle! Every breath is a divine glorious moment.

Just please refrain from passing judgement on people who feel otherwise....

You need to get off your horse, I don’t think for one minute guidocorona that clearthink was passing judgement on to you or anyone at all!! He was giving his own personal thoughts as he stated said "I personally find" read it!!!.

As for your prima-donna resume, just because you have been a "self paised" jack of all trades musical, does not mean you were a master at any, or can even hear well either.


"class D amplification sounds just dreadful to those familiar with the sound of real
music, instruments, and acoustic spaces."

My experience with live music and spaces is puny... You are right ClearThink... heard a live violin for the first time when I was six years old.... So I decided that I needed to learn music.... Started to take piano lessons and at 16 I got a Steinway baby grand.... Started to attend classical concerts at 13 at the Sala Verdi and the Teatro Alla Scala in Milan... Became a member of the selection committee for the Italian Concert Season of the Gioventu’ Musicali when I was 18.... Briefly trained as a bass baritone, and sang in a variety of classical choirs... Studied phylosophy of music and composition at college..... Attended music camps where daily I listened to violins by Antonio Stradivari, Guarneri Del Gesu', and Guadagnini.... Coached my daughter for 12 years when she was studying cello... Wrote articles on PFO.... At 65 I play the euphonium, flugel horn, cornet, trumpet, flute, and baroque recorders....

But apparently I know nothing about acoustic music and live spaces, and that’s probably why I am fond of such class D amps as the Bel Canto REF1000M, The Merrill Veritas, the Mola Mola Kaluga, the Rowland M312... Even worse, I absolutely adore the Rowland M535 bridged amps, and my Rowland M925 monoblocks... Somehow I managed to delude myself into believing that I am experiencing musical nirvana.

Nothing wrong in not liking current class D amps, ClearThink... Provided you experienced at some depth some of the best examples out there... Just please refrain from passing judgement on people who feel otherwise.... Their musical experience might be very well as deep as yours, Yet they might have developed opinions very different from yours.

Regards, Guido

clearthinker? LOL  you go from first person to who knows whta to validate your personal opinion " I personally find that class D amplification sounds just dreadful to those familiar with the sound of real music, instruments, and acoustic spaces."

I am quite familiar with live and reproduced music via claas A, AB, tube, and 4 different class Ds (soon to be 5) . and while I somewhat agree, having owned earlier generations from W4S, my Audio Alchemy stereo amp sounds like real music, at least WHEN the recording is well done , but bad discs sound BAD. 

Uh-oh, it sounds like clearthink isn't thinking too clearly.  Maybe his user name is satirical?

scratcha ,
I was having an email conversation last year with Ryan Tew from Red Dragon Audio. He is working on new amps and the old line is no longer being made. This is from an email last April:

We are going to clear out the current version to make way for the new MkIII version. I think we only have a few new S500’s left and some demo units that are undergoing refurbishment.
These will all be sold at a steep discount.

Estimated Pricing on MkIII Gen Amps:
$1299 Each M1000 MkIII
$1399 Each S500 MkIII *
$$TBD$$ Multichannel Amplifier **

M500 (discontinued)
Relatively large price decrease as we revert this product back to Direct to Customer Sales model
** MC Amp price isn’t determined yet - however it will be offered in either a 5 or7 channel variant. Power will be 1200 watts for L/C/R into 4ohms and 600watts for surround channels into 4ohms.
*** Latest generation of ICEpower for the stereo, monoblocks and MC amp. No estimates on availability. Thanks,

Ryan Tew
President - Red Dragon Audio

As his ETA was sometime in the Fall I contacted him again in September asking how things were going:

Things are going good but we’re redoing the entire chassis which will take the longest due to machining new tools and setting up the new parts.
If you want to grab one of current amps before they’re gone, we can always do a trade in later when the MkIII’s are ready.


Ryan Tew
President - Red Dragon Audio

In January I asked if he was going to update his website. Never replied.
I’ve been putting off buying an amp for over a year waiting for his new line to come out. I’m not sure I’m going to wait much longer. I have a pair of Murano Audio P200 mono amps that are long overdue for retirement however With GaN technology Class -D amps on the horizon I think I’m going to hold off for awhile.
Class D audio amplification is a lot like electric cars they are both environmentally friendly and in some applications, uses, and products perform in a way that is at a minimum acceptable to a certain subset of users but the technology is still in its early developmental stages and not suited to the vast majority of installation and systems and I personally find that class D amplification sounds just dreadful to those familiar with the sound of real music, instruments, and acoustic spaces.
ClassD Audio
The Class-D Audio (which is USA made and sold) is one to look out for as they say they will have their new models of the GaN technology Class-D amps coming out soon, don’t know if they will have it in kit form as well like their other products.

Chers George

I have owned those and stack versions for ~ 10 years. NO comparison to the Machina Dynamica Springs
2 great class d deals

*Audio Alchemy (I have their stereo amp and dac/pre) excellent value, especially used. No longer in production
*Nord He is now selling the ICeEdge module based amps. An upgrade over the previous gen Ice  which the PS Audio M700s are based on
Good Morning,

I haven't personally demoed any of these; but here's what I've been researching in Audiophile type forums. I've heard mostly great reviews of these particular models; these reviews being from people that have actually bought them, etc...:

ClassD Audio
Outlaw Audio
PS Audio
Red Dragon

These are in no particular order of greatness as listed.  
I've been looking to replace a Harman Kardon HK3770, with one or two of the above;
still trying to make a decision. I'm leaning toward ClassD Audio.
I was really interested in Red Dragon; but he's sold-out of the model I was looking at; I can't get in touch with him either. I wanted to know when/if that model was going to be available, in the near future.

Have a good one!


     Exactly, your description is what I hear listening to very good class D amps.  "There is generally a more relaxed presentation of the music because of these attributes" is an accurate summary of what to expect. 
    Besides the relaxed and seemingly effortless presentation, I would only add my perception that, due to their very high signal to noise levels and the resultant very low background noise levels, music seems to emerge from a dead-silent and inky black background that enhances the whole experience.
I recently had my Nuforce 9SE V3 amps upgraded by Bob Smith at TDSS to his Level 3. All I can say is WOW, I have a new stereo. I'm hearing details in the music that I previously didn't know were there. Although there is more detail, there is no harshness or edginess to the music. Bass slam is more dynamic yet articulate without sounding muddy. There is generally a more relaxed presentation of the music because of these attributes. Bob is a delight to work with and I highly recommend him.  Jeff

     The Stereophile reviewer heard significant sound quality improvements with separating the PS 700M monos and having them both on amp isolation stands rather than stacked.  
     I'd suggest just trying the amps both ways in your system and determine if you perceive the same significant improvements he mentions.
     If you do perceive large improvements, buy a couple good amp stands and locate the amps separated by placing one on each side of your rack on the floor or place one beside/behind each of your main speakers.  This would require longer inter-connects and shorter speaker wires but this shouldn't cause any issues with that.
     If you don't perceive large improvements, buy some sorbane pads or the blocks cited in the Stereophile review and stack 'em.
     I use thick maple amp stands (from Mapleshade) with conical brass spiked footers on my class D monos but I have room on the 6' wide top shelf of my rack with one at each end for a symmetrical look.  This works well but I never even thought of stacking them ( they're only about 7"w x5"h x 12"d) so I never compared stacked to separated.  
Tweak1: get those anti-vibration blocks that were cited in the Stereophile review. I got a box of 48 of them for about $26 and they are great!!! I put three of them under all of my components.


no sonic fluke, interactions between the 2 modules 

can you get a long board that extends beyond the rack so you can set them side by side?
tweak and others, just a curiosity question. In my rack space is at a premium, so placing amps on separate shelves would be a problem. Is there a relatively inexpensive sheet of some isolation material, that would not impact the finish on the lower mono, that would prevent whatever it is that causes the amps to sound better not stacked? So they can be stacked without negative sonic impact? Is it possible the sonic issue when the monos were stacked was just a sonic fluke of the stereophile reviewer’s listening room, I have not read anyone else experiencing the same?
After having the PS Audio Gain Cell DAC/preamp and M700s in my system for the past two months, I can still say that I look forward to listening to them everyday. Break in took at least 200 hours but they are now very sweet and powerful, and more than any other amp set up I've had, the soundstage is very deep. This allows instruments and voices to occupy their own space. Separation has never been better. My current hungry Thiel 2.4s sing beautfully with these amps. The pre is connected to the power amps with balanced cable.

Enjoy your PS Audio system! I am sure you will like it!
Thanks Tim. Yeah, his review motivated me. Took a couple months to find a silver set at a price I could flip without much out of pocket, but it sounds like they might stay, so...

I know I repeat myself but the AA sounds fantastic, especially since making the 2 cable changes

And yes they will be on separate shelves

     I read the Stereophile review on the PS 700Ms and it was very positive.  The review was from Jan./2018 and the reviewer had just previously reviewed the AA DPA-1Ms.  
     He thought the PS 700Ms were superior and even compared them to being somewhat similar in sound quality to the Theta Prometheus mono block class Ds that go for $12k/pr, saying they were a bargain at about$3k/pr and you said you bought yours for even less.
     He also thought they performed best when separated on isolation stands and not stacked on top of each other.   Here's the link:
     If they sound as good as they look, these amps should sound very good.

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Im excited about the PS kit. The amps are ICE POWER tech. The input is proprietary, but the Gaincell is a volume module based on a B & O design. There are a number of in depth reviews on the net. I asked Paul McGowan if they are dabbling with GaN. I don’t think he knows what the digital department is up to in R & D though. I also asked him abut an external PS for the preamp, as he often does that, but he said that it wasn't needed. Hmmmm.Time will tell

What I am most excited about is I finally scored an AA power supply for the dac/pre, and it's a beast. They are hard to come by as production has stopped on the AA kit. I will have it Friday. No sure whether the PS kit will get here then too

Forgot to mention:
     I think it’s very interesting that your getting PS Audio 700Ms and the gaincell dac/pre at a great price.
I’m always interested in learning about others' experiences and views on class D amps and other equipment. 
     I find the 700Ms particularly interesting class D amps because they use what PS calls the 'gaincell'.  This is a fancy name for their proprietary, fully differential, zero feedback,discrete class A MOSFET input stage.  These amps don't utilize the new faster switching GaN FETs but, from the reviews I've read, they're high quality amps that will likely further improve the sq of your system. I'm not as familiar with their gaincell dac/pre but plan to read up on it.
     I know it's always exciting to install new equipment in one's system.  I wish you the best and look forward to your reports on the results.


     No problem.  
     I think the biggest news of this thread is Atmasphere's upcoming introduction of a class D amp that will likely eliminate dead time with new circuitry that has a patent application pending and doesn't even require the use of the new GaN FETs.

    Things are progressing so rapidly in class D technology gains that the answer to this thread's question, which class D?, may be to just save your money and wait a while..... the answer will likely change, in absolute terms and probably especially if the price/performance ratio is considered.


"Well, just because they both use UcD does not mean they sound the same. I found the EP monos thin in the mids, which exaggerated the highs. They were used with my KCIIs as is the AA amp."

     Agreed.  That's what I meant when I stated "I don't doubt your view that the AA implementation is superior" on my last post.
      'Implementation' referring to how AA and EP implemented or incorporated the similar UcD class D power modules in their amp designs, with the understanding they're not identical and that you thought the AA implementation was superior based on its sound quality.

Well, just because they both use UcD does not mean they sound the same. I found the EP monos thin in the mids, which exaggerated the highs. They were used with my KCIIs as is the AA amp 

anyway, Im getting PS Audio 700Ms and the gaincell dac/pre at a great price, so that should be a fun comparison. The PS only has about 300 hours so needs a couple weeks breakin before I can compare
Hello Tweak1,

    Thanks for the heads up on the AA amps. I'm currently using the EP in bridged mode on my Magnepan CC3 center ch.  
    I discovered both the AA and EP amps use the older UcD class D power modules that are still very good.  Since you own both amps, I don't doubt your view that the AA implementation is superior but rather question whether the performance improvements would be sufficient, in mono on a center ch speaker,  to justify the $ outlay.
    I'm thinking it'd be more beneficial to compare my current monos driving my L+R mains to monos utilizing the new GaN FETs or the upcoming Atmasphere class D amps that may perform even better.
     I have a combo ht and 2-ch music system but my priority continues to be optimizing the music reproduction aspects.

Tim, The Audio Alchemy class D are far superior to the EPs. The Absolute Soud reviewed them back in March of 2016. I found it after having bought the AA stereo amp and dac/pre. These days the come u for sale at < 50% off, probably ONLY because they are no longer being made