Where do I make the long run IC or speaker cable?

I have the option of placing the amp near my speakers or leaving them where they are. Where would I benefit with a short ic cable run or short speaker cable run?
I like the speed and sound of short speaker cables over longer ones. But to each his own.
When switching in my own sytem, I was looking not only at brands, but also lengths, 2x2.5 m SC sound different compared to 2x4m and 0.5m IC differs from 1m and so on.

I would keep IC short (2x1m), and get LOWER GAUGE LONGER SPEAKER CABLES. Typically better cables (higher in product line) have bigger gauges. Try lowering the gauge, thus keeping the amount of conductor material more or less the same.

>I have the option of placing the amp near my speakers or >leaving them where they are. Where would I benefit with a >short ic cable run or short speaker cable run?
I looked at those threads. The consensus is long interconnects and short speaker cables because... the consensus before was long interconnects and short speaker cables because... the consensus before that was long interconnects and short speaker cables because...
Shorter IC's, longer speaker cables. Have tried both and to me the IC's effect the sound more than speaker cables. I've got a .5M and 1M pair of the same cable and can hear the difference between the two.
I'm pretty much repeating what's been said...I agree with Elizabeth and Nsgarch. In general, longer interconnects and shorter speaker cables give the lowest signal loss. This is what I've always heard from audio dealers. However, as a former Conrad Johnson owner--they recommend short interconnects-(3 meters or less, but I'm going by memory as far as exact length)- due to their design. I've also heard that balanced interconnects can carry a signal further, but again, I've noticed that some people have stated that they had very long runs of single ended/RCA interconnects with no signal loss problems. It all depends on a manufacturer's preamp design and is normally stated in their literature. Stan
I received my information from conrad johnson as I run their electronics and they suggested short inteconnects.....short as possible........over speaker cables. With long interconnects I believe it is recommended to use a balanced design; not sure what the break point length might be. Conrad johnson designs their equipment with single ended (RCA's)only. I believe their manual states that interconnects are more susceptible to picking up interference than speaker cables. But I have not experimented with this only taken their advice.

I have to ask how long is long? I've used both configurations with great results. What matters most is the cables used.
I have three different sets of 10 meter ICs from pre to amp and 1.5 meter speaker cables. Speaker load is highly reactive as compared to the IC's load. So far, no dicernable problems with this arrangement. Especially if you're running balanced (as I am), I think long ICs are the slam dunk. For clarification, obvioulsy, I can employ only one of the three sets at any given time.
So far the count is 3 to 2
3 say short speaker wire
2 say short interconnect
Any one else like to share their experience?
I vote for short speaker cable, long interconnect.

As Tpsonic mentions though, you could check with a cable manufacturer, or even an preamp/amp manufacturer for that matter.
I would do the inverse.Short distance on low-level signal and longer where you have the added current/voltage,past the power amp.There has been numerous discussions on the benefit to damping with speaker cables of at least 6.5' and longer.Do the experiment and report your findings.I'm sure the cable manufacturer will be able to add their perspective.
I have heard just the opposite......short interconnects with long speaker runs.

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