Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?




My sincerest apologies.  The High Voltage I was listening to was a downloaded version. However it's is worth a listen if you get the chance. 


Beth Hart and Joe Bonamossa, Don't explain.... Great vocalist on this collaboration.
Beth Hart has some great solo material as well. Check her out. 

Nutty - this thread has gotten some legs so not sure if I'm repeating something already mentioned but if you like Deep Purple you probably already know their "In Rock".  Sweet Child in Time is pretty memorable.  

Also to radfrad, been listening to ZZ Top off and on since 1973 or so.  Over the years my appreciation for Tres Hombres has just grown.  That is such a solid album.  No fat.  Nothin' but lean muscle.  Really, really good...especially played LOUD.  

I posted these on the obscure bans thread but give a listen to The Standard:  Swimmer, Albatross, or Wire Post to Wire (3 very good records by them), also Nada Surf - especially The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy or You Know Who You Are.  The Standard is kind of emo/progressive.  Nada Surf more indie rock/pop.  Different than the blues-rock stuff that mostly gets talked about here (not saying anything is wrong with that).  


I have DP In Rock on download. It's been a while since I've listened. Thanks!
Also, with so much music being flooded onto the "Obscure bands" thread, thanks for giving me some direction as to a good starting point. That thread may be a little out of my wheelhouse ;^)

ZZ Top... great band. I have Tres Hombres. Agree with ghost, it is fantastic and recorded well, even on CD. (I remember my brother had the LP,wow!) I also have Degullo and like it quite a bit. They have so much more . I need to invest.

And I love the cut "My heads in Mississippi".  Who can forget ...."I was stumblin' through the parking lot, of an invisible seven eleven!" Should be on the "Favorite song Lyric" thread. I understand Billy has a new albumn out tnough I haven't heard it yet.

♪Thanks for keeping the thread Live everyone! ♬

Best regards,


Cecil Taylor....I'm no expert on Jazz music or musicians. What I found of Cecil was mostly improv.  It's really not something I would normally listen to. However I would never attempt to discount his abilities as a musician. Im sure there are others reading who are fans of Cecil. Thanks for the recommendation. Please keep posting your favs.

This morning we're rocking the foundation.
.......Listening to Corrosion of Conformity,  "Deliverance".
"Senor Limpo" and "Clean my wounds". 
They have a ton of media.

So much music to listen to. Good times!


I felt bad about misleading you. I did a quick Wikipedia check on the AD/DC High Voltage.  Looks like they originally released two different versions. One Australian version on LP with "Soul Stripper". The US of version is different and has different artwork as well. 

Looks like you can get it on CD through amazon on a remastered verion called 
AC/DC '74 Jailbreak.


It’s quiet out here.....Today the band is Starcastle
First song is "Lady of the lake".

Also song " Fountains"

And finally "Half a mind to leave ya".

Yesterday, listened to a few things...

Stars Of The Lid and Their Refinement of the Decline

Grateful Dead Go To Heaven - no offense to hardcore Dead fans (late getting in touch with my inner Deadhead so new to me) but this one just struck me as weird.  Track 2 I swear has them sounding like Queen.  A very "pop-ish" album overall.  Good sound quality however.

Eple Trio - In The Clearing, In The Cavern.  Not sure what to think.  Is it as shallow as it seems on first or second listen or is it some masterful exercise in minimalism?  Norwegian jazz from their deep woods.

KingKong: Jean Luc Ponty Plays the Music of Frank Zappa.  I tend to like jazz violin.  This was a low cost Blue Note CD from Amazon.  Acman over on the Jazz Aficionados thread had mentioned it.  A little underwhelming on first listen.  Glad it was cheap.  First track which you can find on YouTube might be the strongest.  

Right now have Rick Braun on thanks to Nutty's suggestion.  Full Stride has segued into Body & Soul.  Like the sound of his horn.  I'd call it smooth jazz.  Pretty mellow and "easy listening".  

mr. nutty,  Billy Gibbons solo record is quite good. also countdown to ecstasy is my favorite Steely Dan record.

Today is Gasoline Alley by Rod Stewart and Exile on Main Street by the Rolling Stones. I think next will be Leonard Cohen Live in London.

Happy Listening.

Right now, Massive Attack's Mezzanine. I needed the groove.

But @ghosthouse planted the Jean Luc Ponty seed so I'll queue up Tidal's Enigmatic Oceans next.

And @nutty had to mention Steely Dan and I thought it's been a couple weeks since that awful voice and amazing music came through my speakers so maybe Fagen's The Nightfly will suffice.

@dbtom2 - I’ll see your "Enigmatic Ocean" and raise you a couple of Sugar Cane Harris, "Keyzop" and "Sugar Cane’s Got the Blues". Harris is a bluesier player but maybe not as refined or technically proficient as JLP. More soul, though (for me at least). Found Engimatic Ocean on Spotify. Listening now. The SCH you might have to go to You Tube to find if you are interested.


Never heard of The Stars of the Lid or Eple Trio, need to look them up. 
I like Zappa and Jean-Luc. However the jury is out on King Kong for now :^)
Alao I'm glad you like Rick Braun. 
Now I need to listen to more Sugar Cane Harris, but I  did ses this:


Billy Gibbons is great! The keyboards are a nice addition. The set really has some flavor. I'm ordering the CD.  


I need to research Massive Attack. But thanks for mentioning Enigmatic Oceans. Never heard that Jean-Luc before. Its fantastic. My first was Civilized Evil and Demagomania was a great cut. But Enigmatic Oceans is clearly better.

My Roon/HQPlayer/Tidal hookup hiccuped and my queue went away as track and track attempted to play and disappeared. Had to Force Quit Roon and restart the MacMini. I took this to mean the audio gods felt that Steely Dan had been played enough on my system. (It is also atypical for my setup; Roon w/ Tidal are consistently reliable players for me. But HQPlayer upsampling to DSD can use alot - ALOT! - of CPU resources.)

So I listened to Steve Gunn’s Time Off and the few tracks from his new album via Tidal, an EP called Ancient Jules. Under-acclaimed guitarist-songwriter in my opinion.

@ghosthouse I found Don "Sugarcane" Harris on Tidal but most of his work is embargoed for me here in USA. Thank goodness for YouTube and the HDMI output of my MacMini so I was able to listen to "Liz Pineapple Wonderful", "Sugarcane’s Got The Blues", "Song For My Father", and some others whose names fell off the screen. Wow. Time to research acquiring my own copies of his music. At certain moments, I had this weird expectation the song would transition into "Orange Blossom Special" but that’s just me conceptualizing the unfamiliar into the familiar. Thanks for the heads up on this artist.

@ghosthouse I have to followup and say that Don "Sugarcane" Harris' version of Eleanor Rigby simply rocks it. Tidal has his "Essential Blues Masters" album and I forgot it was still in my Roon queue. There are songs that simply deserve to not be any shorter than 11:52. His Eleanor Rigby is one. Thanks again.
@dbtom2  &  @nutty - so glad you like Sugarcane.  Privileged to make the introduction.  Wish he got more love when he was alive.  He was around a lot of years.  Paid his dues.  Like Jean Luc he played with Zappa.  In fact, Zappa sort of "rescued" him from time to time you might say...bailed him out; got his violin out of hoc; memory of the details is a little blurry but you can read about it.

If you can handle Zappa, check out Burnt Weeny Sandwich and Little House I Used to Live In.  Great live improvisation track starts at 19:13 on link here; Harris' solo starts at 24:28.  It soars.


db, the Eleanor Rigby you are enjoying is from Fiddler On The Rock.  

Sugar Cane's Got the Blues is very good...maybe better than Fiddler.

The Sugar Cane album that really does it for me is, "Keyzop".  Full album at the link here.  Hope you will enjoy it.



I listened to Keyzop..Its fantastic. I also can hear the Zappa influence in Jean-Luc's "Enigmatic Oceans". So I'll check the other Zappa references with Sugarcane also.

In between all of this I was able to squeeze in some more Beth Hart. From her Immortal albumn, the song "I am the one" is killer.


nutty - Fantastic...keep the feed back coming.
BTW - as a result of arcam88’s Paul Rodgers reference on the Obscure Bands thread and the link you posted to The Law, you all got me on a Bad Company jag. Someone has posted quite a few complete Bad Co. albums to YouTube...sound quality is NOT bad at all! Just finished Running With The Pack. Now into Burnin’ Sky. I need to check out Beth Hart. I like Joe B and know he toured and recorded with her. Think I sampled some of their duo stuff but not a lot of time with it. I will look up Immortal and "Am I The One".
I've been reripping my CD library. Yesterday I finished the Ms. I ran across a CD called Soul's Core by Shawn Mullins. Didn't remember buying it. (Remembering how, when, and why I buy music is a not insignificant part of the listening experience. For me.)  So I listened to the album with Roon and enjoyed it. Okay. Maybe pretty good in parts.

He covered Kristofferson's Sunday Morning Comin' Down and I enjoyed that song so much I dived into Tidal to hear the original and other covers. Then I left it on random and heard "Help Me Make It Through The Night" and remembered Sammi Smith's version of that song, how she turned it around. So I found that version and...

I can't wait for the opportunity to play that song for my girlfriend. I'm just saying....

Ok, let's change things up a bit. Since you're referencing youtube videos check out the woman with the four octave voice. This is a classic and the audio quality is great!



That was a great performance. Phoebe has a beautiful and powerful voice. Thanks for the link. 

@nutty - I get bored easy. Heard a lot over the years. Some modern things seem so derivative. This Beth Hart "Immortal" is a strong LP.
She has some voice...tears it UP and sings it like she means it. Reminds me of Janis...maybe crossed with one of the Wilson sisters :-)
Her song writing is good. Tight little band too. Another solid recommendation from the N man. Just got to Am I The One...channeling Janis for sure on this! Thanks.


Regarding Beth Hart, I'm a big Bonamossa fan, however I might like Beth more on her solo efforts more then on the collaborative. Her CD's are great. BTW, She has a "very aggressive" version of Humble Pie's "I don't need no Dr." On YouTube. Also some performances with Gov't Mule and Jeff Beck.

@falconquest - thanks for the reminder about Phoebe Snow.  I remember when Poetry Man was getting a lot of air play.  That s/t album had great sonics too.  Pulled up Second Childhood on Spotify.  I always liked "All Over"...Nine of diamonds, nice of diamonds, Lord that's a lucky card.

Speaking of nines...track 9 "Pre-dawn Imagination" has a gorgeous melody.  Great change up after Beth Hart.  

Autumn leaves (wrong time of the year for this) but it's always good. Go to 20:45 to start. ......and then go back and listen to the rest!


Black Country Communion 2.     Lp
        That's some awesome bass. Glen Hughes
Rush. ABC 1974.                         LP 


Great set list. I saw an interview with Glenn Hughes where he stated that after "he will never be in another band" after Black Country Communion". "It was so special and unique". Thanks for pointing out his skills on the bass guitar. We often overlook it because of his outstanding vocals. 

Also,  I've never heard that particular Rush albumn you listed. I have a lot of Rush media, but not that one. I need to check it out. Does it count that I've seen them 4 times live! True story.

Because of this thread   I started critically listening to Glen Hughes as an individual contributer to the bands he has played.
And  newly added Black Country Communion to my collection.

That Rush ABC came to my door Lp with Black Country Communion Lp    Yesterday     Look into Rush ABC  it is    Very Very good   and Very Very well recorded   and live



I'll check out Rush for sure. Keep digging around on Glenn. He is everywhere, I mean everywhere. I even found holiday music! If your into Gov't Mule, he has a song on their "Shout" CD, and he did an entire LA blues Authority albumn also.

Spocks Beard, Day for night. 

Spocks Beard as you know is progressive rock. The band has evolved several times over the years. IMHO, each albumn was different and great in its own way. Some of their songs are like small journeys. They wind you through different melodies and movements. 

I think the one of the best songs that demonstrates their talent and to take you on one of Neal Morse's journey is "The Healing Colors Of Sound". 

(ghosthouse, if your out there try this last one before you make your final judgment)




I watched your Patricia Barber link for a again time. She sounds wonderful and a great recording, (for youtu.be). I don't have any of Patricia on CD but I do have a few Diana Krall. Female voices can reveal flaws in ones hi fi. Thanks for the recommendation. 


Finally finished the Zappa you posted about. What else can be said about Zappa and the talent he attraced. He was a genius. It's not what I normally gravitate towards musically. Now on to Sugarcane. I replayed Keyzop, that is more my speed. 

Thanks for the enlightenment!

The Who, Who's Next. Quite possibly one of the best albumn covers by one of the 
Greatest band of all time. 


Hey nutty - a couple of things. I appreciate the ongoing dialog here. On too many A’gon threads, it’s like people posting are just talking to themselves. No responses. No interaction. Like hollering down a well.

Glad you checked out that Zappa showcasing Sugar Cane. If you liked Keyzop, Sugar Cane’s Got The Blues would also please you, I think.

I’m not a huge Patricia Barber fan but the 2 CDs of hers I own are very well recorded. Great sound quality and some interesting music too. Good "side men" accompanying her. The 2 are: Cafe Blue & Modern Cool.

That YouTube link from falconquest is a bit of a revelation to me. Had no idea she was that good on piano. That performance is quite a bit different than the rather concise, more conventional song structures on the 2 CDs I own. The CDs focus on voice more than instrumental jazz solos. OK. Later.

PS - nutty - just saw your Spock's Beard "Healing Colors" link...have the Patricia Barber playing but will try that SB recommendation later.  
A few oldie tunes

Billy Stewart - Sitting in the Park
Dion - Run Around Sue
Beach Boys - Warmth of the Sun
Rufus & Chaka Khan - Ain't Nobody
N - Morning Phase is a beautiful album.  Sea Change is very good too.  These 2 are often seen as sort of complementing one another - but you probably already know that.   I don't own anything else by Beck but these two.  From what I've sampled and read, I believe they are kind of unique in his discography.  In my O-pinion, they are "brilliant" (to borrow that overused Brit adjective).  If you know anything else he's done that is in a similar vein, let me know.

Did listen to Healing Colors by Spock's Beard this AM.  It's a complex and sprawling composition.  Great musicianship but (no offense) it just doesn't do it for me...I don't come away thinking, "I have to listen to that again!"  Sorry.  Am not passing judgement on the merit's of SB - just reporting my response.  Glad you enjoy and admire them. 

To misquote Bogie, "We'll always have Glenn Hughes."