What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?

Wondering what are the top 1-3 new pieces of gear audiogoners added in 2024 that made the biggest difference in your music listening enjoyment.

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Bought a used Odyssey Audio Kismet stereo amp for my Raidho D2s and liked it so much that I bought a pair of Kismet monoblocks for even better sound. No looking back; they are wonderful.

Sumiko Starling cartridge, replacing Ortofon LVB 250. The Starling is my first dive into MC. The LVB was good, but the Starling makes the music more present. Everything jumps off the needle a little more, in a good way.


I'm really enjoying my Teac VRDS 701t Transport.   

Can you describe why you like the Teac? Is it sound quality or features?.

Cdc,  I chose the Teac because they build so many drives for other companies and because it is a VRDS mechanism 

It sounds great  I'm using it with a Lab 12 DAC 1 reference and find myself reaching for a CD often.   

The build quality is excellent,  completely silent drive.   Not too many good players being built today which was the main reason.    I think you'd have to spend a lot more to better it.