What To Do?

I'm rebuilding my system.  TT is next.  I have a reliable but dated Music Hall 7.1.  What should I do with $12k?  Buy a new TT and phono preamp or keep the MH and buy a better cartridge and phono preamp?  Thanks in advance for feedback. 


I am getting great results with a Pro-ject Carbon 10 EVO. $5k. Sound Smith The Voice moving iron cartridge at $2.2k. Aric Audio phono pre. $2k with vintage tubes from Brent Jessee. The JJ stock tubes are not great. 
Make sure that your turntable arm the phono cartridge have a resonance match. Watch the sound Smith Videos. 

Lyra Delos

Phonostage of your liking  (test several)

The remainder into a VPI table with a gimballed arm.

I’m using the phono preamp built into my McIntosh C2700. I was considering a Vincent Audio PHO-701 Phonostage until I decided to go with the C2700. I really wanted a tube phonstage. My turntable interconnects are supplied by Origin Live for the tonearm. The rest of my system interconnects are all Synergistic Research Foundation cables. 

I upgraded my turntable system (U-turn Orbit w/ Ortofon Blue MM cartridge) this year to a Dr. Feikert Volare with an Origin Live Silver tonearm. I installed a Hana S series MC cartridge on the tonearm. The turntable, tonearm and cartridge was right at $4500. The acoustic difference was shocking. It is so much better than what I was listening to previously. The turntable is heavy and dead quiet. The Origin Live tonearm and Hana cartridge is a great combination. It tracks incredibly well and is really easy to adjust. I love the combination and shouldn’t need to change the turntable or tonearm for a very long time. 

I'm drowning in choices.   I'm looking at Gold Note and Line  Magnetic for phono preamp.   VPI, Dr. Feikert Volare, Acoustic Signature Double X Neo, Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3.  MC cartridge but no idea Which one.   Maybe a Hana.  I'm open to anything.  Open to any arms but was looking at recommended ones like a Gimbal or Kuzma.  figure the you guys can give me some advice since you've been down this path before. 

You can get a top shelf cartridge and a phonostage for maybe 4-5 K$.

Personally I would start there and then decide it if it is good enough.

I would think with $12K you could do all three, what components are you looking at?