No kidding. We had an old tv, which needed an upgrade and needed a radio or iPod dock to play music in the kitchen.
Quite rapidly I found some interesting hd tv, and thought it might make sense to hear it with a small 5.1 surround system,...however during the reviewing and testing process, I noticed huge differences in the sound of the same cd depending on the speaker set. I ended up buying a relative low end energyb5.1 surround system and onkyo 805 receiver for my tv and bought an extra set of used spendors s8es with radioshack 12 gauge cables. then came the grado i80 for night listening, the sonos system, the w4s dac, Lfd ncse integrated amp, chord cables. The latest purchase is the Logitech touch for my hi-Rez files. Somewhere in the middle I also purchased a stinky "dingee" for great computer listening.
I wonder what is next? Probably a speaker upgrade.... Love the spendors though. Still hard to beet in that price range.