What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Tboooe...I already have all of the Susie Suh albums and I agree, she is great. I also really like Rachael Yamagata.
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Glad you enjoyed Zee Avi Mofi!

Here is one obscure one if you like Fiona Apple or Rachael Yamagata: Susie Suh. Her new album The Bakman Tapes is good!
In my current playlist. Bob marley Teres Hammond the mills bros with count Basie social distortion Barclay James harvest collective soul ray Charles king crimson reverand organdrum moby
Tboooe...thanks for the recommendation of Zee Avi! I listened to it last night and really enjoyed it.

I also listened to the new Paul McCartney album "New". It is being touted as "Beatlesque". Not sure I agree. Need to give it another spin...
Now listening to the self titled debut from Zee Avi. She has a great old school vibe to her music and vocal style. Give her a listen.
Busted out with a little Willie Nelson "Stardust". Not a big country fan at all but Willie's voice sounds just so real on my system. Going to be picking up his new album "To All The Girls" on HD Tracks soon.
The new Patty Griffin "Silver Bell" and the new Diane Birch "Speak A Little Louder".

Both are excellent! Diane Birch is one of my new female singer/songwriter favorites. Her debut album "Bible Belt" is tremendous.
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Had time for a two discs today. They were Blue Sky Black Death/Noir and Grizzly Bear/Veckatimest. I bought both of these three or four years ago. The BSBD disc is fun but after nearly finishing it I think it’s time to let it go. That’s how I felt about the GB release too. I guess I can’t make every purchasing decision a keeper. Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow s listening session will be more fruitful.

On Willie Nelson, I have really enjoyed seeing him play solo on cable TV with just his well-used guitar. He has a real knack for that style. Don’t know if there is an album of that stuff, but if there is and somebody can clue me in, I’d love to check it out. The studio albums I’ve heard were too produced and I just didn’t enjoy them. Anyway, thanks for any comments on Willie. The minority report rocks!
Finally got the chance to sit down for a listen (10/10/13). Started with Prefuse 73/Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives. Not for the uninitiated, but really fun if you like this Blip Hop type stuff.

Moved onto Blonde Redhead/Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons. Not sure how to label this band but they are indeed an alternative to the radio and a fun listen. This one is recorded quite well too.

Next up was The Dirty Projectors/The Gettysburg Address. This is not for the faint of heart but for those that like a little something different, it is a real gem. It is a themed piece that is a bit comedic in its tongue-n-cheek delivery.

Ended this listening session with The Flaming Lips/The Soft Report. This is a gigantic achievement for this band and is well worth a listen. For those who are not familiar with the Lips, this is a good way to check them out.
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Recent talk about Willie...
I was in the grocery store this AM. Walking down an aisle towards one of those displays right in the middle of things. This one had a collection of CDs. Of course what do I immediately spot lower right corner about second shelf up from the bottom but Red-Headed Stranger for $7.98. Of course, I had to get it. Interesting liner notes. Didn't realize the significance of it to his career or to country music. Self-financed and recorded for under $20K in a day and a half. It was his first recording for Columbia. This version: Columbia/Legacy The American Milestones; a 2000 Sony reissue produced by Al Quaglieri (not that I know who he is). Track listing seems a little odd. A couple of tracks clearly marked as "bonus". But also some before these that I didn't recall being part of the original release. Will have to check on-line about that.
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Mofi- You lucky bastard. That's quite a guest list. I'll keep my ears open for that. One great memory I have of my mother-in-law who died last December @ 94 was my wife and I taking her to see Willie; probably 25 or 30 years ago @ Foxwoods Casino a short while after it opened. She didn't know his name, recognized a couple of songs, and the three of us had a great time. Of course, she missed the significance when Willie introduced a guest guitarist named Keith....Richards that is.
I also really like "Red Headed Stranger". Willie has a new album coming out on October 15th that I just happened to get a promo pre-lease of: "To All The Girls". It has duets will some pretty amazing women. Here is the track listing:

1. Dolly Parton - From Here To The Moon And Back

2. Miranda Lambert - She Was No Good For Me

3. Secret Sisters - It Won't Be Very Long

4. Rosanne Cash - Please Don't Tell Me

5. Sheryl Crow – Far Away Places

6. Wynonna Judd - Bloody Mary Morning

7. Carrie Underwood - Always On My Mind

8. Loretta Lynn - Somewhere Between

9. Alison Krauss - No Mas Amor

10. Melonie Cannon - Back On Earth

11. Mavis Staples - Grandma's Hands

12. Norah Jones - Walkin'

13. Shelby Lynne - Til The End Of The World

14. Lily Meola - Will You Remember Mine

15. Emmylou Harris - Dry Lightning

16. Brandi Carlile - Making Believe

17. Paula Nelson - Have You Ever Seen The Rain

18. Tina Rose - After The Fire Is Gone

It really, really good and very well recorded. Look for it when it comes out. Highly recommended!!!
Hey Mental. I'm not a big Willie fan but there is something really pure about "Red Headed Stranger". Used to have that LP (or maybe my sis did) a long time ago.
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Fallout Boy "Save Rock and Roll". I've never been a fan of Fallout Boy, but this new album ROCKS! I really like it for some reason. Has some excellent tunes on it.
Pulling out some older ones over the past two days:

Michael Brook - Cobalt Blue

Robert Rich - Seven Veils

Underworld - A Hundred Days Off

Underworld - Oblivion With Bells

And for something newer:

Efterklang - Pirimida
Mental - Yup...I'd probably have to agree w/"Then Play On" being one of FW Mac's best. Recently got into the very early stuff by them with Peter Green. It is amazingly good for how old. Mick and John were a great rhythm section. Then add Peter & Jeremy on guitars. The music is really engaging.
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PS - Found this by way of one of the thumbnails while listening to that second Prefuse link you had. Like this one very much...more like the Storm Returns...it's called Love You Bring.

Hey Pokey - OK...so I gave a listen to Prefuse again. Have to say I DID like "Storm Returns". Had an excellent feel and groove to it. Something you'd almost like to have running as a continuous loop. I ordered a bunch of music lately (used very good or like new CDs whenever possible). Got Blue Screen Life and Information Retrieved. Pinback is funny...you think you hear it or heard it but you listen again later and it's almost like you never really heard the song before because something else catches your ear. They are worth going back to again. Also got that St Germain "Boulevard". It is very very good. Street Scene gives a taste but there's more to it than that. Some of it is like that Prefuse Storm Returns. Gonna check out your other link now. Haven't heard about Vernon Reid in a long time. I did admire his guitar work on that first Living Color album. Good reminder. I'll see what I can find of him on YouTube.
Ghosthouse as for Prefuse 73, check out this YouTube of an awesome track http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlGhG20BkWw. It is melodic and really grabs you. -I’ve noticed through cruising YouTube that some people also refer to this music as Glitch or Glitch Hop. Pretty appropriate name that I had forgotten. I will also note that I do not endorse the occasional cursing/expletives on a few Prefuse 73 tracks from various records. But I really like his sensibility and vibe. Prefuse is Scott Herren. Other monikers are Delarosa & Asora, Savath & Savalas, Ahmad Szabo, and Piano Overlord (more melodic, less glitch). Here is a very glitch track, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odAni_-Ftf4, and maybe what you may not like? But if you can get a hold of the underlying rhythm starting around :33 seconds, it will pull you in! –I’ll try to lay off the Prefuse comments but hoping that you can give it a real college try. I know that for me, Prefuse is what brought me back to a real love of music. And I’m really thankful for that for sure.

For the age of this young guy (Prefuse), he is very prolific. He is the first Experimental (glitch hop) act I heard and still my favorite after more than ten years. Vernon Reid from Living Color also made an album that is a bit glitchy called Mistaken Identity and has some great guitar and samples. I’m also a huge Living Color fan by the way.
Ghosthouse - I am familiar with Ulrich Schnauss. I have A Strangely Isolated Place from 2003. It has tracks of similar style to those you linked to above. I like the "A Long Way to Fall" track the best (of the links you provided)
Mofimadness, thank you for the Alela Diane recommendation. She reminds me a bit of Mary Coughlan. I am going to buy her latest album from Amazon.

Great thread!
Tboooe...thanks for the reminder of KT Tunstall. I have that loaded into MOG, but haven't listened to it yet.

I did listen last night to Alela Diane "About Farewell". It got a pretty good review in the new issue of TAS and I had never heard of her. I really liked it! Highly recommended.
In honor of John Coltrane's birthday, today it is an all-JC day. Starting with Dakar (not originally released as a Coltrane issue, but reissued as such in 1963 by Prestige to take advantage of JC's burgeoning popularity) and going through as many as the day will allow.
Ghosthouse – it is gratifying that you took time to make to all those suggestions, really. The Varese stuff is pretty ground-breaking to say the least. And I have to say that it reminds me of Prefuse 73 some. I like all the different layers and instruments. It is very cool. I put Ionisation / Ameriques on my wish list. From the reviews I’ve read, Pierre Boulez has the right take on Varese’ compositions. And I sure liked what I heard on Am*zon.

I’m listening to St. Germain right now, Boulevard. Also listed to other tracks last night and really like them too. Great background music and nice for reading or just relaxing to. The Tourist album is more Jazzy than Boulevards for sure and I think I like Boulevard better. I’ll be digging around some more on St. Germain in the future.
Pokey - gratifying that you took time to listen to all those suggestions. Especially pleased Varese clicked for you. Thanks also for your suggestions. You are providing me with a new window on music.

BTW - going back to Prefuse led indirectly to (re) finding St Germain. I'd heard some tracks on Pandora but didn't remember the name correctly. Couldn't locate it again. Check out St Germian's Boulevard (also Tourist). Either "deep house" or trip hop depending on who you believe. Either way, works for me.
OK...I'm trying but I don't know if Prefuse is ever gonna happen for me. A few
things work - or at least moments in them - like Robot Snares, Golden Pavilion
Temple, For Some But Not.... but mostly too much sonic gravel toothbrush. To
quote the man, "For some but not for me".

Likin' this 'tho...
Hey Mofi...thanks the music recommendations. Listened to Memphis samples on Amazon. As one of the reviewers commented, can certainly hear Al Green in some of the tracks. I liked "Cadillac Walk" (Willy DeVille). Going to check out Delta Rae too.
Pokey - I'll give Prefuse another try w/Extinguished: Outakes.
Had a great listening session yesterday. I started out with Mum – Finally We Are No One. This is not their best effort, but pretty fun nonetheless. They are a bit like Sigur Ros so that may give you some reference.

After the mellowness that is Mum, I was ready to turn up the volume a bit. So I moved on to Pinback – Blue Screen Life. They are a fairly recent discovery for me and I just can’t listen to this one enough. Very unique sound with an excellent singer as well. Excellent recording. I actually listed to about four of the tracks again because I didn’t want this to be over!

Next was Jason Falkner – Bliss Descending. I have a very high regard for Jason’s style of progressive rock. After a song or two on Bliss, I just wanted to move on to his masterpiece, presenting Author Unknown though. Not that Bliss wasn’t recorded well, because it was, but Author Unknown is such a great listen and of course I didn’t have unlimited time, so I just advanced to this brilliant record and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Wanting to stay on a progressive track, I pulled out Owsley’s self-entitled disc from 1999. Better recording quality than I had remembered and though I couldn’t find it written plainly on the disc, Gracenote says it is an HDCD.
Unfortunately that disc would end the session. But I guess that listening to four and portion of a fifth disc isn’t too bad for some quality listening time.

*So today I am online sampling some of the records that Ghosthouse has so graciously recommended. I first listened to Stars of the Lid – Virginia and Kahanek Incident 3 and then back to SoTL “and Their Refinement of the Decline”. Refinement was clearly my favorite out of these three ambient pieces.

Then I moved on to Younger Brother – The Last Days of Gravity. I really liked this one and it is now on my Wish List at Am*zon.

I did also listed to some Russian Circles, but not really new and different enough to keep my interest.

Also checked out Mono. Much closer to my likings and will go back to listed to a few other pieces.

Finally, I am now currently listening to Edgar Varese - Amériques. I think this is my favorite of the day. So many thanks to Ghosthouse for this recommendation especially. If you have not heard Edgar Varese, go to YouTube and check his stuff out. Very creative and enveloping. It is worth the listen.
Audiogoner Theo turned me on to a new group that I had never
heard of: Delta Rae "Carry The Fire". Great
harmonies and pretty good songwriting. I am enjoying it.

I am now listening to "Memphis" from Boz Scaggs.
Every time I listen to this album, I'm just blown away! It's
EXCELLENT. My vote for the best album of 2013.
Ghosthouse, yes plenty of overlap. I really like Tycho. I've heard Past is Prologue and thought it quite good but could only find it as an mp3 download so I passed. I would really like to have it on CD.

Did you mean Zero 7? I have the CD Simple Things and like it allot.

Thanks for the other suggestions, I've got some work to do this weekend!

PS - Try the record "Extinguished: Outtakes" by Prefuse 73. This is the most accessible CD and I really do think once you've listened a few times you will be hooked. This CD is full of hooks and beautiful harmonies and repetitive wonders.
Pokey -
Quite a bit of overlap in our listening preferences.
I just ordered Blue Screen Life & Information Retrieved

Re SOTL...I own "...and Their Refinement of the Decline" and will order Avec Laudenum soon. The Tired Sounds" and "Music for Nitrous Oxide" can be heard as full recordings on YouTube.

I messed up the spelling, that should have been The Kahanek Incident. YouTube link here:

Did try out Prefuse but it was way too dissonant for me.
Stumbled on Younger Brother as a result of an earlier post about a Zero -1 sampler. Check out The Last Days of Gravity. Also, if you don't already know him, see if you can find anything by Edgar Varese. He's an American classical ("aleatory") composer...had an LP of short compositions years ago that I did enjoy though I can't really abide John Cage.

W/respect to post-rock (kindred to Explosions in the Sky) try Russian Circles and Mono (Japanese outfit). Recent YouTube discoveries for me though I can't honestly say I enjoy them tremendously.

I'm somewhat familiar with Leaf. Try Tycho's Past is Prologue or Dive.

I do like some alt country. Have most of Wilco's (think their stuff is well-recorded) and one by Son Volt. Jeff Tweedy can get a little "precious" or otherwise annoying at times. Have a high regard for Lucinda Williams.

Well, that's quite the music download. Hopefully not too tedious to you.