What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!
Uppermidfi & Gilas - since you guys were the first to ask, (and you're right Uppermidfi, a good following just from Audiogonners would be a great place to start!), email me, and I can find out about sending a sample bottle to you each "on the house", and if you like it, you can spread the word... :-) We are about 100 miles from Margaret River Gilas, our area is the Ferguson Valley.
I like cooking fine meals. Drinking microbrew, homebrew, or wine. Traveling. With my wife.

I also am very into politics and current events and spend a lot of time watching and reading what is going on in this crazy world of ours.

Sports is a diversion I enjoy, especially baseball and hoops.
I stayed away from this thread for the past several days assuming that it would just be a bunch of self-absorbed braggarts and snobs engaged in a "mine is bigger than yours" pissing contest.

With very few exceptions, I was right.

At least we all love music???
Gullahisland -

If you don't enjoy the thread, why are you posting to it? Move on man, nothing to see here but us braggards and snobs.......the very same ones posting everywhere else on this forum. What the heck is wrong with folks sharing some aspect of the rest of their lives and what they care about outside of audio. It is an off-topic thread, much like many here that have been very popular. It serves to get a more complete picture of many of the folks you are reading posts from. I think your criticism is rather harsh, and even jaded. The proverbial pot calling the kettle black. But you are partially correct: with few exceptions everyone elses IS bigger than yours! 8- )

"It serves to get a more complete picture of many of the folks you are reading posts from."

-My point exactly. And up until your most recent post, I actually found you to be a pretty affable guy.

"But you are partially correct: with few exceptions everyone elses IS bigger than yours!"

-I'll have to take your word for it Marco.
Slappy, if that were the case, there'd be a 1:1 ratio of corrections to posts for you alone. ;-)
"My point exactly. And up until your most recent post, I actually found you to be a pretty affable guy."

You haven't read too many of my posts then! You must have missed a few doosies! I think the moderator may have removed many of them though. You can still find a few in the archives that they may have missed if you look hard.

Your point is entirely lost since your posts just goes to show that you only know a very small part of who I, or anyone else here really is. Your readiness to jump to conclusions based upon what is a pretty simple question, speaks volumes to the hypocrisy of your statement in your casting judgment upon so many from their rather simple and brief responses.

Quite seriously, I think I am quite an affable guy, and I'm sure many others here are as well. Just couldn't quite figure out your motivation for posting such a caustic statement to this thread. You didn't really address my (hidden?) question as to why you did. Are you having a bad hair day and taking it out on the rest of us? I haven't read the entire list of reponses here, but have read many and I can't figure out where you are coming up with "braggarts and snobs"? You've actually come off as quite a snob yourself I'd say, and you've entered into a pissing contest yourself here, which was a pretty obvious response to your trolling. So why did you post this thread if you think so highly of the content/subject/responses. Would you elaborate on your most righteous observations about those among the group who do not meet your criteria for "a few exceptions" ? I have no doubt more than just two of us would take offense to the fact that you chose to post such a statement.


PS You don't have to take my word for it at all....just go and ask Jo' Mamma! She saw what you did to that poor donkey. She told me the pictures are up on the Web somewhere. Do a Google search on "Hypocrite Audiophile Donkey-Love Tiny" and you'll find the pictures your mommy took of you. You'll see where I drew my conclusions from!
PS You don't have to take my word for it at all....just go and ask Jo' Mamma! She saw what you did to that poor donkey. She told me the pictures are up on the Web somewhere. Do a Google search on "Hypocrite Audiophile Donkey-Love Tiny" and you'll find the pictures your mommy took of you. You'll see where I drew my conclusions from!

What the F%*K?

I was actually thinking that I shouuld reconsider my statement and thought your reply was thoughtful (thought provoking)...until the end. Totally over the top.

I wonder...Would you have said that to my face? Or in the presence of your own mother?

Grow up!
Guys...... (deep, fatherly voice)...... We're here to enjoy ourselves, and learn something. And what have we learned today? That we grow up, earn more money, buy bigger toys, but we're only bigger boys. Let everyone post an off-topic thread if they like, and if you don't like it, don't answer. And now, go play together, or you'll be grounded.
And, for the thread: motorcycles, women (although they don't seem to like me :( ), whiskey, soccer and my job.....
Gullahisland - I have many friends who I would readily say something to that nature to their face and they'd probably laugh their asses off because they share a similar sense of humor. Judging by your reaction I'd say that you don't share the same sense of humor, and if I knew you better I'd probably not say something like that to your face. My mom would just roll her eyes....she may even laugh if she read it in the context of this thread. I thought your own initial comeback was pretty good though.....at least the first one. I guess that's why I thought you may appreciate the nature of mine. In case anyone actually took it seriously, it was meant as humor at the expense of Gullahisland. He's actually hung like John Holmes and prefers the intimate company of creatures much further up the chain of evolution than the Donkey. How's that? Feel better now?

As to your reconsidering your statement, don't let the donkey pictures stop you. I still wonder what provoked you to choose to chime in with the caustic remarks that started all this - I was hoping you'd answer my question and find the "over the top" humor amusing, or even come back with something better still. Guess my hopes have been dashed by my own childish self-indulgence and none of us well ever know the motivations behind the brooding and complex demigod that is Gullahisland!

I'll work on that growing up part too. Thanks for the tip! You oughta see someone about that sense of humor though!

Big winds often originate from empty caves.

If you gentlemen do not understand, I would not be surprised.

Address with contemplativeness.

Have a nice day, Ed.
Hey Ed - Big winds indeed! Guess I had too much tofu and dried fruit. Once in a while you just gotta let'em rip. Sorry for the stink folks! Jeez, somebody light a match!

OK, I read through all the responses to the thread now and I now I really dont get where Gullahisland is coming up with "braggarts and snobs"?!

On a more interesting note perhaps; Seems like the most popular other obsessions are led by wine and other alcohols of distinction. Also quite popular are cars/motorcycles, fishing, dogs, photography and bicycles. A few folks are interested in their families/wives as well. Snobbery didn't even make anyone's response.....well, except for Gullahislands.


PS Another interesting point to consider is that alcohol actually impairs the senses, including the sense of hearing. That said, I certainly enjoy my red wine, though would not say it was among my obsessions.
I happen to find some of the posts here quite refreshing. Specially those from people that dont take themselves so seriously and can poke fun at themselves and others...
Upon further review, I wish to apologize for casting the net so widely. The bulk of the posts were decidedly benign.

To answer your questions Jax2, it's not the subject of the thread that I objected to. Quite the contrary. I really get a kick out of learning what other common interests we share. I've enjoyed such threads as "What does the typical audiophile drive" as well as "Who R U?".

My issue was with the way some people use this forum as a platform for posturing and ego-stroking.

Again, I my comments were unwarranted and inappropriate as they were directed at the group as a whole and I apologize.

There were, however, a few gems that I'd like use to illustrate my point. If you still can't see it, Jax2, then let's just agree to disagree.

Here they are:

..."just ordered the 36 foot fast trawler from Rockport Yachts (www.rockportyachts.com). Anyone want to buy a Robinhood 33 downeast poweryacht?"

..."Bicycling (am having a Seven Cycles titanium bicycle built to order w/Campy Chorus groupo-$5000)."

..."the girlfriend and I are about to spend a week in Santiago, Chile tasting Cabs. Mircrobrewed beers - hmm, three out of four obsessions so far are alcoholic...

...Then there's my main passion - which is, of course, passion itself. The girlfriend and I won't be spending all our time in Chile touring wineries..."

..."Fine Wine - 100 cases in long term storage."

And finally, from my own post - ..."I stayed away from this thread for the past several days assuming that it would just be a bunch of self-absorbed braggarts and snobs engaged in a "mine is bigger than yours" pissing contest."

See. There weren't nearly as many overt boasts as I had indicated and I apologize for casting aspersions on the bulk of you.

Final thought - I still fail to see the John Holmes/Donkey humor, but obviously well-hung donkeys hold a special place in Jax2s heart. And who am I to take that away from him?

I believe we've gleaned some insight into the significance of your moniker, JaxASS! :-0
Gads Gullahisland - You are a harsh judge of people indeed! Sorry, but I fail to see the posts you mentioned as any more than rather simple, and perhaps enthusiastic responses that answer the question posed, and in doing so give a peek into the lives of those answering. The question was about other obsessions we might have, so it does not surprise me in the least that folks are proud of what they value in their lives and devote their time and energies to. Part of the fun of the thread is that you may find many have similar interests as you. Getting into more detail is just a way of connecting with others who may have similar interests or might identify with the level at which they pursue this other obsession. At least that's how I saw it. None of those posts brought out the same reaction in me as it did from you, so I guess we do agree to disagree.

I'll let you have the last word where equine-genitalia is concerned and not torture anyone with more of the same.


I guess I can see your point, from my standpoint, I feel we all need to appreciate that many of us DO spend ridiculous money on our hobby/hobbies. As for the Seven cycles from Timo....I've conacted him and urged him to upgrade some things..... I won't say what my bike ran, but I can tell you it can run at 50+ mph and that to me is worth all the world!
Marco, you had me laughing so hard I was rolling on the floor ;0

Since I am one of the "self-absorbed braggarts and snobs" that Gullahisland picked as illustration of his point, I feel that I have earned the right to comment.

This thread is about obsessions, which by definition is normally practised in a totally out of order, OTT manner from the perspective of a sane person. So, having a system that costs more than the GDP of a 3rd world country clearly qualifies. Having a nice sounding system costing a little more than a European luxury sedan (no names - me no snob) may not quite qualify in some ofour memebers' eyes. It depends very much on your perspective ! and the degree of your obsession !!

Knowing the typical A'goner's obessesive musical enterprise may also cross over to other areas of interest, I dare say that there isn't nearly half as many "braggarts and snobs" as Gullahisland had observed. Perhaps, from his perspective we are boastful. But, that is just his own view. However, when Gullahisland extends sweeping assumptions of other people's intentions based on a few off the cuff remarks, he is perhaps showing us a little of what he is really made of.

I shall not second guess Gullahisland's reason for his past comments in this thread. Perhaps, he simply had a bad hair day. Me, I have no hair (at least not much left), so I am cool ;-)

When I returned to this thread and read the fire and lava this once benign volcano of a thread began spewing I was ready to nominate Gullahisland as the president of our Snobish Audiophile Money-Wasting Arrogant Braggarts Society [SAMWABS], but the MoFo has gone soft on us with his last few posts. Oh well...

Now, did someone mention equine-genitalia? Of course that would have to be Marco.
I was just curious what types of activities others were enjoying when not listening to music.

I had no idea it would draw such hatred from some people. Are those who own $5000 bikes or mutliple cases of wine criminals? Is it illegal to be involved in these choices? Good for you for enjoying your life (those of you who do) but remember it is short. Use it wisely and be happy!
Mountainbiking - used to race mtb's about 13-14 years ago(although BOTH my bikes were ripped off last year!!!!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!)

I enjoy working out, but chronic back injuries reduce that to a minimum.

Further, art art art!!! I used to really be into creating artwork - pencil, pen and ink, watercolour...

decided to combine my artistic ability and my interest in computers into a career (graphics, web design and multimedia design), although I'm not working in that field at the moment - it's far too unstable. Thankfully, I have a nice, cushy, federal government job that carries me through...

If anyone wants to take a look at some of my artwork, visit the link below (NOTE: the flash section is fully functional, but high speed internet is preferable for viewing)...the standard html section was never completed and, as such, is kinda sparse and lacking...

Personally, I see nothing wrong with fast boats, fast cars and fast women, if they have more meaning to you than their exchange value. If you use them as a means to something of user value, that is something more than as a commodity or as a posit of your domination of nature, then more power to you! Of course, T. Adorno would be laughing out loud at all
of us for being buffoons to the symbolization and reification of our mass cultural artifacts we acquire in a postmonopoly capitialist society.
My wife and I ride our road bikes on the weekends to the local coffee house or deli. About 20 miles each trip. She rides a custom Mondonico and I have a custom Serotta CSi. We ride steel bikes because we are not as svelt as we were in our younger days.

I also play blues and classic rock guitar for my own amusement. I have a couple of Les Pauls, a G&L Tele, and a PRS Custom 22 guitars. I use a Mesa Boogie DC-2 and a Fender Blues Junior for amplification. I also have a Sigma acoustic guitar.

We still have one surviving 15 year old Jack Russell Terrier.
Definitely wine! Oh, and traveling... this self-absorbed snob is off to Australia next week to indulge in both obsessions.
I've had a number over the years at various times each were all consuming of my free time and include woodworking, gardening, bicycling, swimming. All I still enjoy but have not nearly the time for but often revisit.

The latest in spot #1 is learning the piano. It didn't start as an obsession but now has totally consumed much of my free time including listening to music...something I always wanted to learn beyond the exploratory stage and banging out melodies but never committed to. Thanks Zila, my wife for making it happen by signing me up and not taking no for an answer, I love you for it.
Two wheels, a big motor and an open road. I just can't schedule a critical listening session right after a few hours of riding...the ears won't cooperate after all that high compression combustion concussion!
Pets, Flying (PP VFR, IFR, sailplane), Soaring (Silver, Gold, Diamond Goal), Cycling (Merlin Extralight), Archery (Hoyt), Wine & Fine food, Pistol shooting, Carpentry, R/C Model AC building/flying.
Shventus, with all your interests and know-how I'm surprised you weren't part of the X-Prize competition!
Off road exploring and rock crawling. Building up, modifying, and maintaining my Jeep.

Shventus, all you gotta do is design and build the damn space craft. Get some other sap to fly it, hahah! What's soaring? Is it like gliders?

Yes, soaring is flying sailplanes (gliders), planes with no engines; riding updrafts called thermals, ridge lift, or wave for means of lift. I have soared to over 31,000 feet, stayed aloft for 7 1/2 hours, and flown a distance of 500 KM, all without an engine.
"I have soared to over 31,000 feet, stayed aloft for 7 1/2 hours, and flown a distance of 500 KM, all without an engine."

Had the same experience as Shventus with some good wacky backy and a bottle of Jack....
300+ miles without an engine?! That must have been beautiful! My Dad flew gliders during training in WWII when he was in the Japanese Navy. He loved it. Where were you able to do this?

We flew out of Minden, NV (just south of Reno), and flew south to Tinnemaha Dam (around Bishop) and back. Most of the flight was between 15,000 & 18,000 feet from thermals (and oxygen). My 31,000 foot altitude (definitely with oxygen) was on a seperate flight, in wave, just east of Tahoe. Even during the hot summer months of the desert, it was very cold at 31,000 feet. We could see the west coast with no problem.I was flying a 15 M racing sailplane called a Discus B on the 500 KM, 7 1/2 hour flight.
Brewing beer and educating myself on wholistic health. Oops that sounds contradictory, unfortunately beer has a bad rap, but the bottle conditioned belgian and belgian modeled beers are actually healthy.
Sports cars (Porsche 911 in particular), working out, college football, reading...and my new girlfriend. She is well on her way to assuming top priority, much to my amazement (and happiness)!