What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!

Showing 6 responses by gullahisland

I stayed away from this thread for the past several days assuming that it would just be a bunch of self-absorbed braggarts and snobs engaged in a "mine is bigger than yours" pissing contest.

With very few exceptions, I was right.

At least we all love music???
"It serves to get a more complete picture of many of the folks you are reading posts from."

-My point exactly. And up until your most recent post, I actually found you to be a pretty affable guy.

"But you are partially correct: with few exceptions everyone elses IS bigger than yours!"

-I'll have to take your word for it Marco.
Slappy, if that were the case, there'd be a 1:1 ratio of corrections to posts for you alone. ;-)
PS You don't have to take my word for it at all....just go and ask Jo' Mamma! She saw what you did to that poor donkey. She told me the pictures are up on the Web somewhere. Do a Google search on "Hypocrite Audiophile Donkey-Love Tiny" and you'll find the pictures your mommy took of you. You'll see where I drew my conclusions from!

What the F%*K?

I was actually thinking that I shouuld reconsider my statement and thought your reply was thoughtful (thought provoking)...until the end. Totally over the top.

I wonder...Would you have said that to my face? Or in the presence of your own mother?

Grow up!
Upon further review, I wish to apologize for casting the net so widely. The bulk of the posts were decidedly benign.

To answer your questions Jax2, it's not the subject of the thread that I objected to. Quite the contrary. I really get a kick out of learning what other common interests we share. I've enjoyed such threads as "What does the typical audiophile drive" as well as "Who R U?".

My issue was with the way some people use this forum as a platform for posturing and ego-stroking.

Again, I my comments were unwarranted and inappropriate as they were directed at the group as a whole and I apologize.

There were, however, a few gems that I'd like use to illustrate my point. If you still can't see it, Jax2, then let's just agree to disagree.

Here they are:

..."just ordered the 36 foot fast trawler from Rockport Yachts (www.rockportyachts.com). Anyone want to buy a Robinhood 33 downeast poweryacht?"

..."Bicycling (am having a Seven Cycles titanium bicycle built to order w/Campy Chorus groupo-$5000)."

..."the girlfriend and I are about to spend a week in Santiago, Chile tasting Cabs. Mircrobrewed beers - hmm, three out of four obsessions so far are alcoholic...

...Then there's my main passion - which is, of course, passion itself. The girlfriend and I won't be spending all our time in Chile touring wineries..."

..."Fine Wine - 100 cases in long term storage."

And finally, from my own post - ..."I stayed away from this thread for the past several days assuming that it would just be a bunch of self-absorbed braggarts and snobs engaged in a "mine is bigger than yours" pissing contest."

See. There weren't nearly as many overt boasts as I had indicated and I apologize for casting aspersions on the bulk of you.

Final thought - I still fail to see the John Holmes/Donkey humor, but obviously well-hung donkeys hold a special place in Jax2s heart. And who am I to take that away from him?

I believe we've gleaned some insight into the significance of your moniker, JaxASS! :-0