What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?

I'm unable to verify this so I'd like some guidance.  I have a family member who is an authorized dealer of some really nice product lines (ARC, Magnepan, Sonus, Bryston).   

He won't confirm or deny my hunch, but at his shop I see mostly older white, affluent men. I see very few middle age men and no men in their 20s.  I don't keep all shop hours, but I do spend about 15 hrs./wk. there.  My relative won't show me his sales demographic but I can see with my own eyes.

So my question is this:  Is there an equivalent replacement stream of new blood entering the Audiophile world or not? Do you have statistical proof? 

If the universe of Audiophiles (supposedly 20,000 in the lower 48) is indeed shrinking where does that leave the manufacturers and dealers? 

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YouTube : “40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!”

His take :

The average age of Audiophiles has risen significantly, and he cautions viewers with a dire warning that we may be a dying breed with little new blood coming into the hobby.

the opening monologue has it’s big exaggeration for the reviewer’s initial puffery effect, but the rest is a decent-enough watch.


Here’s an amusing comment posted by one viewer to his video”

” …I think we’re facing the start of bargain hifi buys from deceased estates, offered by the widows who are glad to get rid of it as quickly as possible!…”

Amongst others, I believe that one critical aspect of why high-end audio, in general, and the number of audiophiles are, and have been for many years now, declining at a rapid pace, is because of the depressing decline in the culture and the quality of most music that has been produced over the past 30 years or so. I won’t go into further detail. But you get the idea. In the 50, 60, 70 and 80s, the music itself had more heart, soul, passion, emotion, creativity and "QUALITY."  People, young and old, were more passionate about the music back in those years, which is the key to why they were more passionate about their audio equipment for all that time. As the passion for the music itself has declined, so has the passion for the means by which to play it. This is why you see most all current audiophiles (like myself) are now from a bygone era as described above. Happy listening.