What direction should the cable go??????

As we all know, interconnect cables now come with an arrow showing the direction that an audio signal would flow.
OK...here is my question....I have Infinity RS 1-B's that uses a crossover for the bass system. All the interconnects are connected to the xover. So you have the pre-amp "flow" to the crossover. The system requires an amp for the mids and highs and an amp for the bass (this is a bi-amped system). What direction should the interconnects be???? Should the arrow (flow) go towards the xover from the amps or to the amps from the xover????
It is a proven fact that the arrow should point to north ! South is also acceptable - but never east or west. Otherwise electrons got confused and one looses the spaciousness. After all, a compass points to north - right ? :-)
Wow, i didnt know there was a special Flow..i have had all my cables the same scince they were new, but i guess i learn new things everyday. The one about having the arrow up or sideways and not down...now thats getting exact lol..
Have a good one
It's kinda hard to have the arrow point in the direction of the signal, considering we're talking about an AC signal.

Unless you've interconnects with a shield, it should not make any audible difference which way they're connected.
I believe the pulling of wire thru a die does affect the sound of wire. The wire will sound different depending on which end is connected to the source. In the early days of directional RCA cables, the arrow was included so that the shield on the cable (which was only connected on one end) would be connected to the source. This is the prefered method of grounding in instrumentation systems. Today many cables do not have a shield. If the two conductors are wired in the same 'pulled' direction, then the cable can easily sound different depending on the may it is installed. I know of one cable that is not drawn thru dies. It may not be as 'directional' as others but I have no proof. (even if I 'heard' a difference would that be 'proof'?) I believe that a cables could be wired with the 'pull' in oppasite direction and then the cable might not be as 'directional' as other. .... just a thought
Mostly go with the arrow as signal direction, unless Nordost which points at the source. Some "non-directional" cables may end up being that way once they break in.
the arrows should always be up. well, optimally up, but sideways might be ok. never down, tho; screws up the molecular structure. -cfb
Cables (interconnects, speaker cables, power cables...etc.) are generally made up of a number of very small diameter "wires". These small diameter wires are made by "drawing" a single large diameter wire through progressivly smaller diameter "dies" until the desired diameter wire is achieved. The process of drawing a wire through dies generally involves pulling (under great force) the wire through the dies making it smaller (and longer) as it goes through the dies. As the wire goes through the dies the molecular structure of the wire is changed. The molecular structure will take on a "directional" structure that represents the direction that the wire has been pulled through the dies. This directional molecular structure can produce different electrical characteristics in one direction than in the opposite direction. Measurement of these electrical characteristics requires extremly accurate electrical diagnostic equipment (you ain't gonna see it on a rat shak digital multimeter).

Based on this we can draw some conslusions.

1. Some cable manfacturers simply buy good wire, have it coated with an insulator amd make cables.

2. Some cable manfacturers have very sensitive test equipment that allows them to buy good wire have it coated with an insulator and perform tests for resistance in both directions. Upon determining the direction of least resistance they mark it as directional, terminate it, package it and sell it.

3. Some cable manfacturers simply require (specify) that their wire manfacturer indicate the direction of draw, coat with an insulator terminate, package and sell.

4. Other cable manfacturers have the necessary analytical equipment and require their wire suppliers to indicate the direction of draw and perhaps even specify the amount of cross-sectional reduction per die, maximum and minimum draw temperature as well as direction of spooling, spooling tension. spooling temperature........on and on.

Think about all of the possibilities. Are cables directional......? You tell me. My test equipment will not tell me that they are or are not. My technical education and job experience tell me that cables are directional. Thoughts....Ideas.....Rebuttals.....? Thanks :-) Doug
...unless your using Nordost IC's which advise using the arrows pointing towards the source....
Just for information a lot of cables are built with no regard to the direction of construction. The arrows are there for your convinience, since the cables become directional as they are burned in. After they are burned in they become directional and if you turn them around you will have to undue the initial burn in and reburn them in completely.

Some cables , but fewer than you think, are built assymetrical and they have only one direction.

I agree with the post above as far as flow.

Keep the "flow" ALL going in the same direction, so pre to xover to amp(s)

Regards, Richard