What are the 5 most overrated rock albums?

1. The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band. The songs on this album are nowhere near as memorable as those on "Revolver" and "Rubber Soul". For that matter, this album is nowhere near as innovative, nor ultimately as influential, as either "Pet Sounds" or the first Velvet Underground album. I'm not the first to point out that blame for such artless excess as all seventeen minutes of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida rests primarily with Sgt. Pepper.

2. Pink Floyd: The Wall. All of the criticisms usually applied to late 70's stadium rock, i.e., that it was pretentious, bloated, pseudo-intellectual,and self-indulgent; apply doubly to this crock opera. If you want witty and insightful philosophizing on the human condition, read Nietzsche, H.L. Mencken, or Michel Foucault. To seek such wisdom from pop music, a genre defined by its righteous Dionysian folly, is the greatest folly imaginable.

Pearl Jam: 10. Johnny Rotten was bang on when he described Pearl Jam as "bloody awful" and as sounding like "Joe Cocker singing for Black Sabbath." To my ears, this sounds like so much bland 70's rock (e.g., Bad Company). As The Monkees are to The Beatles, so are Pearl Jam to Nirvana.

4. U2: The Joshua Tree. I don't know where to begin. These guys plagiarized Joy Division, and set their sublime riffs to dumbass lyrics bespeaking the most niave sort of Oprah Winfrey meets Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms bourgeois liberalism. I've said it before, I'll say it again: If you make me listen to a record by someone named Bono, his first name better be SONNY.

5. Bob Marley & The Wailers: Exodus. Not only was Bob Marley not, by a long shot, the best pop music figure to come out of Jamaica, he wasn't even my favorite member of The Wailers. The monomaniacal cult of personality surrounding the deceased Robert Nesta Marley comes at the expense of all the other, far more exciting, music to come out of that poverty-stricken island. As Lester Bangs put it:

"Toots and the Maytalls, who never got promoted properly, are the real heat from a Stax/Volt kitchen, whereas Marley always struck me as being so laid back he seemed almost MOR. Rastaman Vibration was the last straw: an LP obviously calculated to break Disco Bob into the American Kleenex radio market full force, complete with chicklet vocal backdrops chirping 'Pos-i-tive!'
Bashing Radiohead?

I didn't know that O.K. computer was old enough to fit the topic, and where is it rated so highly as to cause you to mention it in the same breathe as Zeppelin 4(6th best Zeppelin Album), Tusk(boring), Van Morrison(YUCK), and who cares about Television anyway.

Most underrated albums of all time:

Radiohead: "KID A"

AC/DC: "Highway To Hell"

Faith No More: "King For a Day"

Janes Addiction: "Ritual De Lo Habitual"

Beatles: Revolver

I find this a fascinating thread, and don't really know how to respond, but Duane's got a point. 90% of what we listen to is drivel. What is good is rare and what is ordinary is...well ordinary. Having said that I must admit that I like some truly awful groups and albums.

The Marley thing is curious to me. I've always liked Bunny better, but knew he wasn't as good as Bob. I was lucky enough to see Marley twice and Toots three times, and I gotta tell ya guys...Toots generated about one-tenth the power and emotion that Marley did.

The Shane MacGowan thread is interesting. I saw him a month ago and you couldn't ask for more...drunk, toothless, waltzing around, slobbering on himself, fat as hell...he was a true angel! Though I must say that the Jam/Style Council was the best the 80s had to offer.

But Pink Floyd....maybe I'm blind, but that is dinosaur, geezer rock...just awful.

I generally go by the rule...If its on the radio, it's terrible. Works damn near everytime.
Tbadder-I liked some Style Council stuff but hardly the best band of the 80's-as for dinosaur,geezer rock wasn't that Paul Weller in the 90's?
Every note that Kiss ever played,albums,rehearsals,tune ups replacing broken strings -everything.The worst rock band ever.
Fleetwood mac-rumours
Led Zeppelin-anything
Ted Nugent-anything
Ben, you may be right. That's why I listed it as a combo with the Jam. Paul does indeed seem to have lost his way over the last 4/5 albums, but after the terrific unplugged album I'm hoping for a resurgence. We all get old and boring though. I'm even listening to classical music now after feeding my head with my heroes: Clash, X, Jam, Costello, Velvet Underground, Ramones, Pogues, Black 47, Captain Beefheart, The Shaggs.

I wasn't bashing Radiohead,
I was saying it's an "overrated" album

a decent album
but it wasn't the second coming
critics made it out to be

sorry to put it in the company of those other discs
Hey, this thread died too quickly. I would say generally that double albums by "major artists" are almost invariably overrated by fans and critics. It is a very rare event when there is truly enough first rate material to justify a double album. "The White Album", "Exile on Main St.", "Blonde on Blonde", "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", "London Calling" to name a few, all could have benefitted from some judicious trimming.

On a related note, I think the increased capacity of cds is a major problem with modern recordings. It seems bands feel compelled to put too much material on their albums simply because they can. An album just doesn't need to run much longer than 40-45 minutes without a darn good reason. I can't count how many potentially great albums have been sabotaged in this way. For god sakes, exercise a little quality control. At the very least separate out the dreck and label it as outtakes/bonus tracks at the end of the cd.
Tweek , it made my evening to read your post on J.Mitchell (was that not very strange when she made that album with Charles Mingus?).Still think of her hideous rendition of Annie Ross's "Twisted" in thick accent--"I didn't listen to his jive,cause I come fom the same hometown as Gordie Howe". Pretentious maximus. John K.
I like Joni Mitchell. Any group known as the "pogues"(slang for gay) can go butt-surfing as far as I am concerned. The 80's? A decade of stinking crap, including Clash, and the rest of the so-called British Wave. Talentless thrashers. Anything that was on MTV sucked.Techno-pop, hideous. Vitually everything post-1980 should be put in a time capsule and ejected to the far reaches of the universe. Of course, the '80s were only exceeded by the disgusting '90s which heralded such "greats" as Nirvana and Ice Cube. Total waste of cheap plastic discs. Perhaps this "art form" should be re-named "Unbridled angst of untalented, uneducated, disenfanchised, walking adolescent hormones", and placed in a museum which would be appropriately marked with warning signs.
I wish you'd stop sugar-coating your opinions, Twl! Despite that, I tend to think I lost interest in rock and gravitated more to classical by the mid 70s in part due to disco and the subsequent lack of interesting rock--even when my son was a teenager, there were only a few bands that interested me from what he was listening to (Matthews Band, a little Soundgarden (sp)). Most groups seem to lack the virtuoso instrumentalists I had access to when I listened to rock (Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Hendrix, Clapton--notice 3 ex-Yardbirds?), and I think the genre is worse for it. Plus I'm just older, and really can't relate to the message behind the music anymore.
Twl and Rcprince were you the two old grumpy guys in the theatre box in the Muppet Show?
Rcprince:Yes three ex Yardbirds!!!! Better to burn out than fade away!!! I have posted in the past that the Yardbirds where the best guitar band in the 60s. When J Beck and JPage
where together, awesome!!! Unfortunately, there are only four songs they recorded that I am aware of, three rock songs and a commercial for "great shakes". You can see them together in the movie Blow Up (Jimmy Page on bass before moving over to co lead guitar). Some underground British music mags have staked the claim that the Yardbirds were the most innovative band of the 60s. Unfortunately they were better on stage than in the studio.

Twl: Nirvana's "teen spirit" was a great song, maybe they were just one hit wonders. I still crank that one up. I think they stole a lot of there material from Dream Syndicate. Does anyone remember that group???

Glad everyone is keeping a sense of humor here. You guys are harsh! Twl: I'm mostly with you on the 80's, but have to stick up for Elivs Costello. Sure he caved to the general pop sound and short song length of the time, but seems like you could appreciate his often caustic cynicism.

As for contribution: how can any list of overrated albums not include (What's the Story) Morning Glory by Oasis. Maybe we all successfully blocked that blight from our memories.
Everything reveiwed by stereophile (well almost) sucks.
Anything that passed for grunge sucked!
Led Zeppelin IV was so overrated it is impossible to go into detail that would cover all of it.
The Eagles-Hotel California, if only they would step inside and someone would have followed them with a match!
U2s Joshua Tree was pretty sad but their previous outings were listenable
AC DC metalica iron maiden: all metal for the mindless.
Pink Floyd The Wall. I like Pink Floyd but it possible to hear on Animals (one of my favs) that Roger is running out of theings to say. Unfortunately he had to record a double album to prove how little he had to say!
Jethro Tull Aqualung I am a huge fan of this band. I've seen them live more than any other band. Everyone can be excused a few lapses in reason. They did so many other albums which were good.
Nrchy whatever faults The Wall has (and it has a few imho)I don't see how you can accuse Waters of having not a lot to say-there a number of elements in this piece that he clearly hadn't explored before and a number that he expanded on,in fact as you point out lyrically Animals is "the" album that has stereotypical Waters themes.
And of course Jethro Tull are much better than the bands you mention........good grief.
Listening to the wall is like listening to a primary school student provide social commentary of the British Empire. The album is self indulgent and sophomoric. Roger Waters seems to be of the opinion that because he has MONEY he has an opinion worth hearing. I disagree!
Nrchy I think now you are changing the argument but I agree up to a point but the main themes of the album are about Waters life.
I think Waters ego might be the main problem on this album but most of that is probably to do with the group dynamics at the time
As for your comment that it is social commentary about the British Empire?
That probably fits The Final Cut better in terms of description.
It's quite a brave record in a way,I agree some of it is simplistic but some of it is excellent too,to me it is flawed and signals the end of Floyd but it is too in many ways the apex of the concept album and that inevitably signals levels of pretension and conceit.
As for rock stars only thinking their opinions are valid because they are rich(and powerful), isn't that one of the themes he tackles on the record?
I'm not sure if he tackled it or was driven into the dirt by it! You're right about the Final Cut comments. I think we might have flailed this dead horse into submission, but the journey is its own reward.
Brothers in arms .... aaarrrggggh ! They sold out. How could the band that made Communique and Making Movies have recorded this pap !